If Risen…then Seek!

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

Risen with Christ. What a thought! Certainly our minds go to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ and our victory over death through His triumph. Yet at the same time, as God quickens sinners, they are vitally risen with Christ. Over the next two programs, we’ll consider Paul’s admonition to the church at Colosse to seek those things which are above, being risen with Christ.

Radio broadcast for December 26, 2021
Continue reading “If Risen…then Seek!”

The Danger of a Snapshot

One negative tendency of many conservative believers is the habit of attempting to pass judgement on a person’s eternal destination based upon brief snippets – snapshots – of their lives. While it’s true that there are examples of outright evil that is easy to perceive, in most cases we are infinitely unqualified and far too ignorant to set ourselves up as judge and jury in the courtroom of men’s souls. Join Benjamin Winslett for this broadcast, in which he considers several Biblical examples which demonstrate this fact.

Radio broadcast for November 28, 2021. Continue reading “The Danger of a Snapshot”

Examples of Regeneration

Whatever one believes about any Bible doctrine, the stories of the Bible ought to corroborate their views – if those views are correct. In other words, Bible theology should be demonstrated in Bible accounts. In this broadcast, we consider some obvious and notable examples of the new birth. As we do, ask yourself the question: Does my teaching on regeneration line up with these examples?

Radio broadcast for November 22, 2021. Continue reading “Examples of Regeneration”

A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 1

To believers in Sovereign Grace, John chapter 6 is a beloved passage. From it, we learn truths about Jesus as our source of spiritual sustenance as the Bread of Life, as well as principles concerning God’s sovereignty in salvation. Over the next two broadcasts, we’ll share a recent message from Flint River on this teaching.

Radio broadcast for October 31, 2021 Continue reading “A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 1”

The Special, Uniqueness of Faith

One of the most commonly spoken of but least understood concepts among the Christian world is faith. We’re all familiar with the term. We all hear it and use it often. And to some level, most Christians have some sort of a working knowledge of it. But arguably, biblically speaking, the common understanding of it barely scratches the surface of the true reality of faith. Join us for this week’s program for more. 

Radio broadcast for June 20, 2021 Continue reading “The Special, Uniqueness of Faith”