The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series

In this fourth episode of our series on the sovereignty of God in salvation, we delve into the profound topic of God’s sovereign choice of His people for salvation. Specifically, the aspect of God’s election, examining scriptures that illustrate how God, in His sovereignty, chose His elect before the foundation of the world. We also address common misconceptions and questions about divine election, emphasizing that God’s choice is rooted in His mercy and not in human merit.

Through passages from Ephesians, Romans, and other books of the Bible, we see that God’s election is an undeniable biblical principle. Join us as we deepen our understanding of God’s sovereign grace and His eternal plan for His chosen people.

Radio broadcast for July 14, 2024. Continue reading “The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series”

The Shepherd and His Sheep

John chapter 10 contains some of the most comforting and doctrinally instructive passages in the New Testament. Jesus gives His sheep life. They hear His voice and follow Him. And, they’ll never perish because they’re secure in His Father’s hand. In today’s message, we consider this passage in our continuing series on statements of Sovereign Grace, from John’s Gospel.

Radio broadcast for November 13, 2022. Continue reading “The Shepherd and His Sheep”

Paul, the Suffering Steward

Faithfully preaching God’s word invites adversity and suffering. In Colossians chapter 1, Paul remarks on this fact, claiming that he rejoices in such suffering. Moreover, this ministry God had “dispensed” unto him was the fulfillment of God’s promise, even a mystery hidden from the foundation of the world, that Gentiles would be blessed with the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 12.

Message 7 in our series on Colossians, from November 2021. Continue reading “Paul, the Suffering Steward”

Reconciled On the Cross

To reconcile means to “to resolve or settle a difference.” Through sin, humans are enemies and alienated from God’s presence and blessings and without reconciliation, we would have no hope in standing before God after death, certain judgment awaiting. But praise God, He sent His Son into the world to die for our sins, saving us from His wrath.

Message 6 in our series through Colossians, from October 2021. Continue reading “Reconciled On the Cross”