We Believe in Preservation

As you know, we are presently considering the standard statement of faith, what we call the Articles of Faith, of historic Baptist churches in America but also Primitive Baptist churches of today. In this series, we’re using our own statement of faith, a variation which dates to and before 1808. And we’re also comparing it a slightly more modern statement, the one held by my old home church Ebenezer, dating to 1868.

Our doctrine up for consideration today is that of the preservation of the saints. Sometimes, this is called the perseverance of the saints. This comes from Statement 8 in our Articles of Faith here at Flint River. That article reads:

– We believe that the saints shall be preserved in grace and never fall finally away.

Radio broadcast for May 28, 2023. Continue reading “We Believe in Preservation”

We Believe Christ is our Righteousness

As you know, over the past few weeks we have been conducting a survey or study of the Articles of Faith held by Primitive Baptists churches of today and most every Baptist church in American in its early days up until around the early 1900s.

Today we come to the answer of the single most important question that can be asked. How can a man, being fallen and sinful, be right with a Holy and unchanging God, who is angry and offended at sin, who will judge all sin in His wrath? How can man be right with God?

Radio broadcast for May 14, 2023 Continue reading “We Believe Christ is our Righteousness”

The Importance of Nonnegotiable Truths

On this weekend’s edition of Words of Grace, we consider the importance of ideas that aren’t up for debate. The Bible tells us to buy the truth and sell it not. This means once a truth is known, it’s not to be reconsidered. We may explain it, but we should never entertain movements to redefine it. Truth is truth.

Churches commonly have official, voted upon statements of faith that serve as a list of “nonnegotiable” concepts that are necessary to submit to in order to join and remain in good standing. We call these the “Articles of Faith,” and at Flint River, ours date back to our founding in 1808.

Radio broadcast for April 2, 2023. Continue reading “The Importance of Nonnegotiable Truths”