Continuing our message from last week from Colossians chapter 3, we consider what it means to seek Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
Radio broadcast for January 2, 2022. Continue reading “If Risen…then Seek – Part 2”
Flint River Primitive Baptist Church
641 Moontown Road, Brownsboro, Alabama 35741
Continuing our message from last week from Colossians chapter 3, we consider what it means to seek Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
Radio broadcast for January 2, 2022. Continue reading “If Risen…then Seek – Part 2”
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
Risen with Christ. What a thought! Certainly our minds go to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ and our victory over death through His triumph. Yet at the same time, as God quickens sinners, they are vitally risen with Christ. Over the next two programs, we’ll consider Paul’s admonition to the church at Colosse to seek those things which are above, being risen with Christ.
Radio broadcast for December 26, 2021
Continue reading “If Risen…then Seek!”
There’s so much wrong in this world. Plagued by sin and its consequences, the brokenness of humankind and our home is on full display. But 2000 years ago, in the most unlikely of places, there was something right in the world as the Lord Jesus Christ was born and placed in a manger.
Radio program for December 19, 2021. Continue reading “Something That Was Right In The World”
Whether in the Old Testament or the New, God’s house was a place where God’s presence was manifested, albeit in different ways. That brings up an interesting and thought inspiring notion: do we experience God in His house today? If so – praise God. But if not, why? Ben Winslett addresses this subject in today’s edition of Words of Grace.
Radio broadcast for December 12, 2021. Continue reading “Experiencing God’s Presence”
Micah 6:8 says God requires of His people that they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Today we focus on that beautiful, Christlike trait, mercy. Continue reading “To Love Mercy”
Church attendance has been on the decline in the US in recent decades, but since the covid-19 pandemic swept the world, this problem has been exacerbated. Why is this? Certainly their are legitimate causes such as law enforcement, military, or healthcare occupations. And there are moments of risk when a congregation might shelter in place. But what we’re seeing today seems to be something much worse: Apathy towards the church, which is in actuality apathy towards Christ.
Radio broadcast for December 5 2021. Continue reading “The Value of God’s House”
One negative tendency of many conservative believers is the habit of attempting to pass judgement on a person’s eternal destination based upon brief snippets – snapshots – of their lives. While it’s true that there are examples of outright evil that is easy to perceive, in most cases we are infinitely unqualified and far too ignorant to set ourselves up as judge and jury in the courtroom of men’s souls. Join Benjamin Winslett for this broadcast, in which he considers several Biblical examples which demonstrate this fact.
Radio broadcast for November 28, 2021. Continue reading “The Danger of a Snapshot”
Whatever one believes about any Bible doctrine, the stories of the Bible ought to corroborate their views – if those views are correct. In other words, Bible theology should be demonstrated in Bible accounts. In this broadcast, we consider some obvious and notable examples of the new birth. As we do, ask yourself the question: Does my teaching on regeneration line up with these examples?
Radio broadcast for November 22, 2021. Continue reading “Examples of Regeneration”
Faithfully preaching God’s word invites adversity and suffering.
Ask yourself the question: what is MY personal response to suffering. Many of us might respond with resentment. Others, self-pity. And some might even plot revenge! In this message from Colossians chapter 1, we learn Paul’s response, one he shared with other Apostles – rejoicing.
Radio broadcast for November 14, 2021 Continue reading “The Suffering Steward”
Why do some people love Jesus but others reject Him? Is there certainty in salvation? How are people drawn to Christ? Continuing the message we began last week, we come to the climax of Jesus’ public sermon in John chapter 6, with powerful and clear teaching on each of these crucial matters.
Radio broadcast for November 7, 2021. Continue reading “A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 2”