Beware This Leaven

Borrowing from a warning Jesus’ issued about the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees, Ben Winslett warns against a concept popular among some conservative evangelicals that many times leads to either to pride or discouragement: Lordship salvation.

Radio broadcast for July 11, 2021. Continue reading “Beware This Leaven”

Face Set Like A Flint

“For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” Isaiah 50:7

On Palm Sunday 2020, we considered the mindset of Christ as He went into Jerusalem, knowing all He would suffer for the sins of His people. And yet He went, He drank of the bitter cup, He finished the work. Continue reading “Face Set Like A Flint”


We all look at life through the lens of our presuppositions. Sometimes these are correct. Many times, they are not. In this broadcast, we consider a few theological points from scripture that ought to frame the way we interpret the Bible and also the world around us.

Radio broadcast for July 4, 2021. Continue reading “Presuppositions”

The Ease of Misunderstanding

To put it mildly, it is extraordinarily easy to misunderstand not only another person’s words, but their actions as well. Sometimes, we misunderstand or misinterpret such and become offended, and so misunderstandings are a tragic cause of grief to God’s people.

In today’s broadcast we focus on the danger of misunderstanding, how common misunderstandings were even in Jesus’ ministry, and how we can personally deal with this issue day by day.

Radio broadcast for June 27, 2021. Continue reading “The Ease of Misunderstanding”

The Special, Uniqueness of Faith

One of the most commonly spoken of but least understood concepts among the Christian world is faith. We’re all familiar with the term. We all hear it and use it often. And to some level, most Christians have some sort of a working knowledge of it. But arguably, biblically speaking, the common understanding of it barely scratches the surface of the true reality of faith. Join us for this week’s program for more. 

Radio broadcast for June 20, 2021 Continue reading “The Special, Uniqueness of Faith”


If one was to pick a verse with more “salvation concepts” to unpack than others, Titus 2:14 would definitely be on the top of the list. Our Saviour Jesus, His identity, His suffering, the cross, the redemption of a particular people, and the response they have to grace…all wrapped up in one statement! Join us for this exposition. Continue reading “Redemption!”