Biblical Principles for the Care of the Poor

Concepts such as poverty and the poor are often hijacked by political figures and redefined as mere statistics. In reality, poor people are just that – human beings with needs. While scripture does condemn laziness, it also consistently commands those with material resources to help and care for the impoverished.

Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, as Ben Winslett shares abundant scriptural references throughout the entire Bible revealing God’s heart on the matter of caring for the poor.

Radio broadcast for May 2, 2021 Continue reading “Biblical Principles for the Care of the Poor”

Practical Applications from the Law

The New Testament is emphatic that the Old Covenant law stands forever fulfilled in Christ Jesus. He kept it to a jot and a tittle in our stead. But just because the law is fulfilled doesn’t mean we can’t learn from it. First, there are often underlying practical reasons for many of the laws (touching a corpse, handling of waste, etc.). Moreover, we can find shadows of Christ and His work as we think more deeply about the principles of each law.

In today’s Words of Grace, we consider three random examples of this from the book of Leviticus.

Radio broadcast for April 25, 2021 Continue reading “Practical Applications from the Law”

The One Above All Others

As the hymnist John Newton wrote, “One there is above all others, well deserves the name of Friend; his is love beyond a brother’s, costly, free, and knows no end.” There really is no one else like Jesus Christ, and we confess that sentence is a vast understatement! In this message, we consider common reactions to Jesus in His personal ministry, including the interesting reaction Pilate had at hearing Jesus’ true claim to be the Son of God.

Radio broadcast for April 11, 2021

Continue reading “The One Above All Others”