Paul wrote often to believing servants in the first century, giving needful and relevant instruction for their day. While we live in a different world today, many of these commands are still helpful to us in our personal lives, as we navigate work situations. Learn more in this message from Titus 2. Continue reading “The Christian Ethic to Servants, Titus 2:9-10”
Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul In Hell
What did the Psalmist mean when he wrote of Christ, “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption” in Psalm 16:10? Theories about this passage abound, but the truth is likely far simpler. Tune into this week’s episode of Words of Grace as we explore this important verse.
Radio broadcast for April 18, 2021 Continue reading “Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul In Hell”
The One Above All Others
As the hymnist John Newton wrote, “One there is above all others, well deserves the name of Friend; his is love beyond a brother’s, costly, free, and knows no end.” There really is no one else like Jesus Christ, and we confess that sentence is a vast understatement! In this message, we consider common reactions to Jesus in His personal ministry, including the interesting reaction Pilate had at hearing Jesus’ true claim to be the Son of God.
Radio broadcast for April 11, 2021
Traits of a Disciple
Continuing our study of the book of Titus, we consider the godly disciple’s traits in Titus chapter 2. Continue reading “Traits of a Disciple”
Face Set as a Flint
Did Jesus know how much He would suffer before and during the cross? With absolute scriptural certainty, we can say yes! As Jesus rode into Jerusalem the week of His crucifixion, He knew all that He would suffer for the sins of His people. And yet He went, He drank of the bitter cup, He finished the work.
Radio broadcast for April 4, 2021 Continue reading “Face Set as a Flint”
Caiaphas’ Surprising Prophecy
Shortly after the Lord Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, a surprising individual offered a prophecy of the death of Christ. This man? An unbelieving high priest named Caiaphas! Although his meaning and the Lord’s intent was quite different, he nonetheless spoke of Christ’s death for a great body of people.
Radio broadcast for March 28, 2020 Continue reading “Caiaphas’ Surprising Prophecy”
Is Empathy Sinful?!
Is empathy a sin? Unusual question, right? Believe it or not, there has been quite a bit of “chatter” recently on the subject of empathy in view of movements such as “woke-ism,” with some conservative Christian teachers going as far as to say that having empathy for another’s suffering is actually sinful. What are we to make of this assertion? Donning his cultural commentator hat, Pastor Ben Winslett speaks to this issue with scriptural certainty.
Radio broadcast for March 21, 2021. Continue reading “Is Empathy Sinful?!”
What Makes the Difference?
Have you ever noticed how the early disciples faced hardships with a different perspective than Old Testament saints? Take Job for instance. His sufferings initially resulted in much confusion and even bitterness in his heart. Yet when the Apostles were persecuted, they rejoiced. What made the difference? Tune in to this week’s episode of Words of Grace for the answer.
Radio broadcast for March 14, 2021 Continue reading “What Makes the Difference?”
Dealing with False Teaching
Paul addresses a difficult and sad truth in Titus chapter 1: False teachers must be silenced! It’s never easy, and must be done with mourning, but true ministers must them that are false for the protection of Jesus’ sheep. Continue reading “Dealing with False Teaching”
Finding Christ in the Book of Job
The book of Job is quite unique, an historical account of a family’s suffering written as a work of poetry, and full of sadness, bitterness, confusion, and even restoration and hope. But did you know there there are also pictures of Christ in Job? Join Ben Winslett for this episode of Words of Grace, in which we search for Christ in this ancient book of the Bible.
Radio broadcast for March 7, 2021 Continue reading “Finding Christ in the Book of Job”