A Word to Those Who Suffer

Suffering is inescapable in this fallen, cursed world. Whether major issues such as a pandemic or regional ice storm, or our own personal battles with disease and affliction, every single one of us will suffer at some point in our lives.

Turning to God’s word for counsel in times of trial, we find two great encouragements from God’s words to Israel during their season of suffering cruel bondage at the hands of Pharaoh in this edition of Words of Grace. Continue reading “A Word to Those Who Suffer”


One might think now is a time in which we stand more in need of wisdom than in other seasons. However, the truth is that each and every day, we need the wisdom of God to help us navigate life.

I have good news for you – God gives wisdom to all who ask, and He does so liberally! And this wisdom, though it be commonly attacked and shunned by the world, will one day put to shame the foolish notions held by men.

Radio broadcast for February 21, 2021 Continue reading “Wisdom”

Warnings Against Idolatry!

Humanity has a long, destructive history with idolatry. From early societal idol worship, to individual failures in the lives of the patriarchs, to God’s nation Israel worshipping the golden calf; image worship has been an ongoing problem for all people. While our idols today aren’t often made of wood, stone, or gold, we would be foolish to assume that we aren’t at risk of creating idols in our own lives. After all, our hearts are idol factories!

Radio broadcast for February 7, 2021 Continue reading “Warnings Against Idolatry!”