From two of the Kingdom Parables in Matthew chapter 13, we learn of that a Christian is to “sell all” for the joy he finds in the gospel of Christ.
From August 3, 2020. Continue reading “Selling All”
Flint River Primitive Baptist Church
641 Moontown Road, Brownsboro, Alabama 35741
From two of the Kingdom Parables in Matthew chapter 13, we learn of that a Christian is to “sell all” for the joy he finds in the gospel of Christ.
From August 3, 2020. Continue reading “Selling All”
Concluding our series on John the Baptist, we consider the latter portions of His time on earth. Once a rugged, bold preacher of repentance, at the end John finds himself imprisoned for rebuking sin in a political figure. Listen to learn more.
Radio broadcast for October 18, 2020 Continue reading “The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 3”
In today’s message, we consider two accusations made against our Lord by those who were disgruntled. Yet despite the negative intent behind their criticisms, within the accusation some of the most comforting, encouraging concepts are revealed to us about our Savior. Continue reading ““Revealing” Accusations”
Last week on Words of Grace, we began a new series on the life of John the Baptist, considering his miraculous birth as well as the prophetic words of Gabriel and Zacharias regarding his ministry. Today, we resume this focus, paying special attention to the message John preached, his rugged “prophet’s” persona, and the boldness he exuded. Continue reading “The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 2”
The notion of a “Kinsman Redeemer” is a completely foreign concept to us in the modern, western world. As with many parts of ancient life, they had vastly different cultural norms and practices. But God, through interacting within these systems, communicated the gospel – His gospel – to humanity in ways they could understand. As Ruth was redeemed by Boaz to raise up seed to her deceased husband, so have we been redeemed by our Saviour Jesus, who gave himself for us on the cross, paying for our sin, that our “name be not blotted out in Israel.” Continue reading “The Redemption of Ruth | Ruth Chapter 4”
In today’s edition of Words of Grace, we begin a three part series on the ministry of John the Baptist, that faithful preacher of God who ushered in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Radio broadcast for October 4, 2020 Continue reading “The Ministry of John the Baptist, Part 1”
Continuing our series through the book of Ruth, we come to chapter 3 in which Naomi schemes to unite Ruth with Boaz, her near kinsman. Here, God’s purposes in their lives become a little more in view! Message 3 in our series through Ruth, from June 2020.
From Ruth Chapter 2, we find a beautiful occurrence of God’s providence, the Lord leading Ruth to the fields of Boaz, a near kinsman redeemer. This message was delivered at our Sunday drive-in service for July 15, 2020.
In this message, we begin a study of a very encouraging book: Ruth. From chapter 1, we learn of the great tragedy in the life of an Israelite named Naomi, and the faithful response of her daughter in law Ruth. From our June 7, 2020 worship service.
Racial tensions? Police brutality? Anarchism? How can we navigate such issues? If there was only a book that informed us! Great news: There is! The Bible gives us clear, relevant instruction on every single of these pressing issues. From our June 1, 2020 drive-in service.