The Nativity, Part 1

Without the Nativity, there is no cross. Without the cross, there is no salvation. In the next two broadcasts, we share a message by Pastor Winslett delivered December 2018 on the incarnation of the Son of God, born our Saviour in Bethlehem.

Radio broadcast for December 22, 2019

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The Anointing of the Holy Spirit

After warning his readers of the many antichrists which corrupt the doctrine of the identity of the Lord Jesus Christ, John presents a fundamental truth: a person possessing eternal life has an unction, or anointing, from the Holy Spirit. Further, this anointing teaches them on a level deeper than any man can reach. Join us for this exposition of the final three verses of 1 John chapter 2.

Radio broadcast for December 15, 2019

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One common warning found in John’s epistles was against people to whom John referred as the antichrists. Who were they? What did they believe? We explore these concepts on today’s edition of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for December 8, 2019

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The World

In his first epistle, John instructs us to “love not the world.” What does this mean? Are we to despise the physical creation? Other people? Or does John have something specific under consideration? Find out, in today’s edition of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for December 1, 2019

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I Write Unto You

In 1 John chapter 2, the Apostle John addresses three distinct groups in the church: little children, young men, and fathers. In today’s broadcast, we examine John’s words to them, considering concepts such as forgiveness for sin, overcoming the wicked one, and knowing God.

Radio broadcast for November 24, 2019

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An Old Commandment

The Apostle John wrote in 1 John 2:7-8 about a command that was “no new commandment” and “an old commandment,” but in the very next verse seemingly counters his own words by calling this command “a new commandment.” One might read these passages with great confusion! Was John speaking some sort of doubletalk? No, quite the contrary, as we show in this broadcast in our continuing study through John’s first epistle.

Radio broadcast for November 17, 2019

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Our Propitiation

As people called of God, we ought to walk in the paths which Christ walked, in holiness and righteousness. Unfortunately, this is often hindered by the sinful nature we all inherited from Adam. We sin, sometimes greatly. But praise God, we have a righteous Advocate with God the Father, our propitiation, Christ Jesus.

Radio broadcast for November 10, 2019

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The Word of Life | 1 John 1:1-4

Beginning a new series through the first Epistle of John, we consider the amazing truth that God the Son was made flesh, and dwelt among us. Through the knowledge of this, we have fellowship with one another in the church, and truly this fellowship is even with God Himself.

Radio broadcast for October 27, 2019

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