Walking by Faith

In 2 Corinthians 5, there is a short but powerful parenthetical statement which reads, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” In today’s radio program, a follow-up from last week’s on the new birth, we consider first what faith is and then, what it means to walk by it.

Sadly, the reality of what faith is has been lost to many believers in our present day. Far beyond mere mental ascent, faith is actually Christ living in you (Gal 2:20)! This intimate personal knowledge of God (Heb 8) is sparked at the new birth, a knowledge Jesus described as eternal life itself (Jn 17).

Join us for pastor Winslett’s message, Walking by Faith.

Radio broadcast for December 10, 2023. Continue reading “Walking by Faith”

Thoughts on the New Birth

In this week’s episode of Words of Grace, Pastor Winslett draws our attention to a fundamental but crucial subject in the word of God, the new birth. Also called quickening, regeneration, and translation, among other terms, this is the doctrine of salvation from death in sin to life in Christ. In today’s broadcast, we consider these various terms as well as the effects of the new birth in a person’s life.

Radio broadcast for December 3, 2023. Continue reading “Thoughts on the New Birth”

Cast Down but Not Destroyed

We all experience great affliction in this life. In a sin cursed world, troubles of various stripe are unavoidable. In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul reflects on this while making some of the most encouraging and beautiful statements about God’s providential protection of us in the New Testament. Join us for this message from Ben Winslett to learn more.

Radio broadcast for November 26, 2023. Continue reading “Cast Down but Not Destroyed”

This Ministry

Sharing a recent exposition of 2 Corinthians 4 from the pulpit of Flint River, Ben Winslett speaks to several aspects of the ministry. First, the singularity of it. There is but one gospel ministry. Secondly, ministers commend themselves to the consciences of their hearers. Lastly, the condition of the heart affects the reception of the gospel! Join us for this informative message from Paul’s second epistle to the church at Corinth.

Radio broadcast for November 19, 2023. Continue reading “This Ministry”

Then Comes The End

Continuing our recent them of eschatology (the study of end times), Ben Winslett shares passages describing the final day, the day in which Jesus returns. In the day of the Lord, there will be a bodily resurrection, the kingdom of Heaven is delivered up, the wicked are judged, the world is destroyed, and God’s children live with Him forever more.

Radio broadcast for November 12, 2023 Continue reading “Then Comes The End”

Gog and Magog

Revelation 20 paints an alarming and desperate picture of the time directly before the second coming of Christ. The devil has been loosed. An entity called Gog and Magog are waging war against the camp of the saints and the beloved city. So many are engaged in warfare that their numbers are compared to the sands of the sea. And this fighting is in the four quarters of the earth and across the breadth of the earth. Sound intriguing? While it may sound like a worst case scenario from a cable TV pundit, this is actually Bible prophecy that WILL come to pass. Join Ben Winslett for this study of Revelation chapter 20 to learn more.

Radio broadcast for October 29, 2023. Continue reading “Gog and Magog”

When Tragedy Strikes

It seems like every day we’re bombarded with news of one tragedy after another. Illnesses. Untimely deaths. Wars and rumors of wars. This world can be a terrible place due to sin. In this message, we consider some truths from scripture regarding the temporary nature of life and how departing to be with Christ is better.

Radio broadcast for October 22, 2023. Continue reading “When Tragedy Strikes”