The Fear of God

Fearing God is a concept spanning the entirety of scripture. In both the Old and New Testaments, those who know God are “God fearing” people, whereas there is “no fear of God” before the eyes of the unregenerate. Moreover, this reverence of God is the basis for all we believe and do in our personal lives. Join Ben Winslett for this study of a most elementary but needful subject.

Radio broadcast for October 23, 2022. Continue reading “The Fear of God”

The Biblical Significance of Unleavened Bread

In both the Old Testament and New Testament, unleavened bread has a special, biblical significance. Initially, it was to be used in the Feast of Unleavened Bread that accompanied Passover. But in the New Testament, it was repurposed as an item to be used in The Lord’s Supper, as Christ our Passover was slain for us. Join us for this interesting study of Unleavened Bread from both the Old and New Testaments.

Radio broadcast for October 16, 2022. Continue reading “The Biblical Significance of Unleavened Bread”

A Thief in the Night

The second coming of Christ is a well prophesied event in scripture and is literally the hope of God’s people around the world. Jesus’ return is certain, but two words also describe it: unexpected and sudden. That is, to God’s enemies, the return of Christ is going to be as a thief in the night.

Radio broadcast for October 9, 2022. Continue reading “A Thief in the Night”

The Afterlife

Most people believe in some sort of afterlife. This makes it all the more crucial for Christians to turn to the bible for their understanding of life after death. Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, in which Pastor Ben Winslett shares biblical theology on the afterlife.

Radio broadcast for September 18, 2022. Continue reading “The Afterlife”

The Role of God the Son in Salvation

Continuing our series on the respective roles of the persons of the Triune Godhead in our salvation, we come to the role of God the Son. Simply put, as God the Father foreknew and predestinated people to salvation, God the Son justified them by dying on the cross. Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, in which we expound on this subject.

Radio broadcast for September 4, 2022. Continue reading “The Role of God the Son in Salvation”

The Role of God the Father in Salvation

Beginning a new focus of study on Words of Grace, we consider the role of God the Father in our salvation. Put briefly, God the Father often represents Divine prerogative. That is, when God has ordained something in the Bible, it is the Father that this ordination is attributed to and salvation is no exception. Join us for message 1 in our series on the roles of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in salvation.

Radio broadcast for August 28, 2022. Continue reading “The Role of God the Father in Salvation”