Some Thoughts from the Storm

Here in north Alabama, we recently spent a week largely confined to our homes, due to a winter storm dropping several inches of sleet in 20 degree weather. This closed schools, work, and churches.

In today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett emphasizes, first of all, that we know not what a day may bring. As a result, our plans sometimes fall through. Secondly, he shares some ways in which the Bible uses snow as a word picture.

Radio broadcast for January 28, 2024. Continue reading “Some Thoughts from the Storm”

Saved to Serve

Jesus died and rose again that we should live for Him. God reconciled us in Christ so we’re exhorted to reconcile ourselves to God. We’re new creatures in Christ, given the righteousness of Christ, but are exhorted not to receive the grace of God in vain.  From 2 Corinthians chapter 5, Pastor Winslett shares the biblical reason we serve God: He saved us. Join us for more!

Radio broadcast for January 7, 2023. Continue reading “Saved to Serve”

Leaving Those Things Which Are Behind!

Happy New Year! Every January 1, we are presented with the unique opportunity for a fresh start. It’s a new year, full of new opportunities, as Earth begins a new journey around the Sun. With that in view, in today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett speaks to things we’d be better off leaving in 2023. For some of us, it may be behaviors or attitudes. For others, it may very well be people. Join us for this final broadcast of 2023 to learn more!

Radio broadcast for December 31, 2023. Continue reading “Leaving Those Things Which Are Behind!”

The Terms of Christ’s Coming, Part 2

In today’s episode of Words of Grace, Pastor Ben Winslett shares titles – or terms – used in both the Old and New testaments about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to save us from our sins;  terms that are beautiful, informative, and even awe inspiring! Join us for this message on our Saviour, who is a wonderful counsellor, the Prince of Peace!

Radio broadcast for December 24, 2023. Continue reading “The Terms of Christ’s Coming, Part 2”

Walking by Faith

In 2 Corinthians 5, there is a short but powerful parenthetical statement which reads, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” In today’s radio program, a follow-up from last week’s on the new birth, we consider first what faith is and then, what it means to walk by it.

Sadly, the reality of what faith is has been lost to many believers in our present day. Far beyond mere mental ascent, faith is actually Christ living in you (Gal 2:20)! This intimate personal knowledge of God (Heb 8) is sparked at the new birth, a knowledge Jesus described as eternal life itself (Jn 17).

Join us for pastor Winslett’s message, Walking by Faith.

Radio broadcast for December 10, 2023. Continue reading “Walking by Faith”

Thoughts on the New Birth

In this week’s episode of Words of Grace, Pastor Winslett draws our attention to a fundamental but crucial subject in the word of God, the new birth. Also called quickening, regeneration, and translation, among other terms, this is the doctrine of salvation from death in sin to life in Christ. In today’s broadcast, we consider these various terms as well as the effects of the new birth in a person’s life.

Radio broadcast for December 3, 2023. Continue reading “Thoughts on the New Birth”

Cast Down but Not Destroyed

We all experience great affliction in this life. In a sin cursed world, troubles of various stripe are unavoidable. In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul reflects on this while making some of the most encouraging and beautiful statements about God’s providential protection of us in the New Testament. Join us for this message from Ben Winslett to learn more.

Radio broadcast for November 26, 2023. Continue reading “Cast Down but Not Destroyed”

This Ministry

Sharing a recent exposition of 2 Corinthians 4 from the pulpit of Flint River, Ben Winslett speaks to several aspects of the ministry. First, the singularity of it. There is but one gospel ministry. Secondly, ministers commend themselves to the consciences of their hearers. Lastly, the condition of the heart affects the reception of the gospel! Join us for this informative message from Paul’s second epistle to the church at Corinth.

Radio broadcast for November 19, 2023. Continue reading “This Ministry”