As you know, our state mask mandate ended Friday, April 9. Current rates of infection in our entire state are down to what Madison County levels were in early December. For most of the week, new cases per 14 days in Madison County hovered at around 400, more or less. As such, we’re incrementally scaling down our covid response.
The Alabama Department of Public Health still recommends the use of a facial covering, but since the mandate is expired masks will be optional in the sanctuary. It’s still a good idea to either keep 6′ away while indoors or to use a face covering when moving about near people. Again, masks being optional, you’re free to wear one as before. Absolutely no one will scold you for wearing it.
HOWEVER, We may have families that are not yet comfortable being indoors without a face covering. Because of this, the Fellowship Hall will be a mandatory mask area during worship. This allows us to accommodate folks as best as possible. We certainly do not want anyone who desires to worship to stay home out of concern. We want your souls to be fed. If you’re uncomfortable, we respect that and want to provide a space for worship. As you know, that room has a window into the sanctuary, a 60″ TV with camera feed, and speakers overhead.
A note on our church’s particular covid immunity: Without speaking of specifics, the overwhelming majority of our households either 1) were confirmed to have had Covid in 2020 or 2) have been vaccinated by this point. Thus, if “herd immunity” is truly possible with Covid-19, we’re technically past that point in our specific congregation.
Some things remain as before:
- Please be extra conscious of social distancing when indoors if not wearing a mask.
- We still have every other row taped off, just in case.
- If you have any new symptoms of illness, please utilize the livestream.
See you all this Lord’s Day!