The Time Is Now!

As we step into a new year, Pastor Benjamin Winslett shares a powerful message from 2 Corinthians 6:1-3. Reflecting on Paul’s urgent exhortation, this broadcast explores the appointed time of salvation and its implications for our lives. If now is the time of salvation, then now is the time to serve Christ. Tune in to examine your next steps in living for your Savior with purpose and passion.

Radio broadcast for December 29, 2024. Continue reading “The Time Is Now!”

A Hospital for Sinners

Have you ever known someone curious about Christ but too afraid to visit a church our of fear of being judged? It would be great to say that’s all a misunderstanding, but the fact is, sometimes church culture is “judgy” about the mistakes in the lives of others.

In James chapter 5, James instructs his audience to confess their faults, one to another, to find healing.  While this is beneficial for the specified reason – healing – it also helps foster a sort of church culture that is far less intimidating to newcomers who are struggling with sin. Rather than putting on a mask of self righteousness, people are real about their problems, and so folks who struggle feel more comfortable. Listen to this week’s edition of Words of Grace to learn more!

Radio broadcast for July 16, 2023. Continue reading “A Hospital for Sinners”

Learning How To Witness

As Christians, we’re called to be witnesses for Christ. Not only does this involve living for Him, but it also requires us to testify of His work in our life. Unfortunately, sometimes we think to be a witness, one must specialize in complex theological training before he or she can share the gospel with others. While it’s true we are to be learning and endeavoring to be doctrinally sound, the most basic (and sometimes effective) form of witnessing is simply telling when Jesus has done in your life.

Radio broadcast for January 22, 2022. Continue reading “Learning How To Witness”

The Wild Gadarene, Part 2

Sharing part of a message Ben Winslett preached entitled The Wild Gadarene, this episode of Words of Grace speaks to multiple issues one could glean from the story of a demon possessed man named Legion. Mental illness, self harm, invisible spiritual entities, the mercy and love of our Jesus, and even evangelism. Join us for this informative and reassuring message from Luke chapter 8 on this week’s radio program.

Radio broadcast for August 14, 2022. Continue reading “The Wild Gadarene, Part 2”

What Next?!

After such a climactic end to the gospel accounts, you might wonder “what could possibly be next?” In other words, to the early disciples, how could life be anything but mundane after such a phenomenal experience? But that was hardly the case! Invigorated by Jesus’ defeat of death itself, the disciples spent their lives obeying Jesus’ commission to go and make disciples. Continue reading “What Next?!”