In Christ, from Philippians

Join us on today’s Words of Grace broadcast, “In Christ, from Philippians,” as we explore the profound “in Christ” statements in the book of Philippians. We’ll uncover key teachings on joy, peace, humility, and living by faith through Christ’s strength. These practical truths are sure to inspire and encourage your walk with God!

Radio broadcast for October 6, 2024. Continue reading “In Christ, from Philippians”

Thinking Deeper About the Word “Saved”

In this week’s episode of Words of Grace, Ben Winslett dives into the nuanced biblical usage of the word “saved,” challenging the common assumption that it always refers to regeneration. Exploring the term’s application in both eternal and temporal contexts, he clarifies that while salvation is solely by grace, Scripture sometimes links it with actions like baptism or sound doctrine, which pertain to assurance or deliverance rather than the initial act of being saved. By examining various passages, Ben reveals how the word “saved” can also signify deliverance from physical danger or doctrinal errors, urging believers to understand its broader biblical significance.

Radio broadcast for August 18, 2024. Continue reading “Thinking Deeper About the Word “Saved””

The Blessed Spirit (Like the Wind), Sovereign Grace Episode 6

What do words like quicken or regeneration mean? What does it mean to be born again? How does this occur? What effects does this have in a person’s life? In today’s episode of Words of Grace, we continue our series on the sovereignty of God in salvation, with a focus on the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth. Tune in for an enriching exploration of how God’s sovereign grace brings new life in Christ.

Radio broadcast for July 28, 2024.

Continue reading “The Blessed Spirit (Like the Wind), Sovereign Grace Episode 6”

Finding Purpose in a Thorn

Afflictions are a sad part of reality in this sin cursed earth. However, there are things we can learn in the midst of trials. For one, we can grow in humility, as afflictions can humble us. But also, we can experience the power of Christ, as His strength is made perfect in weakness!

Join us for this message from 2 Corinthians 12 about God’s strength being made perfect in our weakness.

Radio broadcast for May 5, 2024. Continue reading “Finding Purpose in a Thorn”

Walking by Faith

In 2 Corinthians 5, there is a short but powerful parenthetical statement which reads, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” In today’s radio program, a follow-up from last week’s on the new birth, we consider first what faith is and then, what it means to walk by it.

Sadly, the reality of what faith is has been lost to many believers in our present day. Far beyond mere mental ascent, faith is actually Christ living in you (Gal 2:20)! This intimate personal knowledge of God (Heb 8) is sparked at the new birth, a knowledge Jesus described as eternal life itself (Jn 17).

Join us for pastor Winslett’s message, Walking by Faith.

Radio broadcast for December 10, 2023. Continue reading “Walking by Faith”

What is Faith?

Here is a great irony within Christianity. Faith is one of the most used words among believers, most referenced concepts in the scriptures, and one of the least understood subjects! In today’s radio program, Ben Winslett shares an abundance of scriptures to share a fundamental groundwork of this miracle in the heart we call “faith.”

Radio broadcast for May 1, 2022. Continue reading “What is Faith?”

The Special, Uniqueness of Faith

One of the most commonly spoken of but least understood concepts among the Christian world is faith. We’re all familiar with the term. We all hear it and use it often. And to some level, most Christians have some sort of a working knowledge of it. But arguably, biblically speaking, the common understanding of it barely scratches the surface of the true reality of faith. Join us for this week’s program for more. 

Radio broadcast for June 20, 2021 Continue reading “The Special, Uniqueness of Faith”