Overcoming, by Faith!

The world around us treasures victory. Would you be surprised to know that anything born of God overcomes the world? Furthermore, we have victory over many circumstances in our lives by faith! Join Ben Winslett for this message from the pulpit of Flint River, entitled Overcoming, by Faith!

Radio broadcast for January 12, 2025. Continue reading “Overcoming, by Faith!”

Weakness and Strength

As Americans, we value strength and shame weakness. We want a strong economy, a strong military, and a strong currency. And it is very common for men and women to frequent the gym to maintain their personal strength. But in 2 Corinthians 12, we find something else being celebrated: weakness. Why? Because as followers of Christ, when we concede our weakness and trust God for strength, the power of Christ rests upon us!

Radio broadcast for May 12, 2024. Continue reading “Weakness and Strength”

Walking by Faith

In 2 Corinthians 5, there is a short but powerful parenthetical statement which reads, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” In today’s radio program, a follow-up from last week’s on the new birth, we consider first what faith is and then, what it means to walk by it.

Sadly, the reality of what faith is has been lost to many believers in our present day. Far beyond mere mental ascent, faith is actually Christ living in you (Gal 2:20)! This intimate personal knowledge of God (Heb 8) is sparked at the new birth, a knowledge Jesus described as eternal life itself (Jn 17).

Join us for pastor Winslett’s message, Walking by Faith.

Radio broadcast for December 10, 2023. Continue reading “Walking by Faith”

David and Goliath

We all know the epic account of David and Goliath. As one old preacher commented when introducing this passage in a sermon, “David always wins.” Familiar as it may be, this passage is extremely encouraging and there are many practical lessons we can derive from it. Join us for this message, a continuation of our radio series on King David.

Radio broadcast for September 19, 2021. Continue reading “David and Goliath”

The Special, Uniqueness of Faith

One of the most commonly spoken of but least understood concepts among the Christian world is faith. We’re all familiar with the term. We all hear it and use it often. And to some level, most Christians have some sort of a working knowledge of it. But arguably, biblically speaking, the common understanding of it barely scratches the surface of the true reality of faith. Join us for this week’s program for more. 

Radio broadcast for June 20, 2021 Continue reading “The Special, Uniqueness of Faith”