What was Paul’s meaning when he wrote to Titus that the “grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men”? Ben Winslett considers this passage in today’s message. Continue reading “What Brings Salvation? | Titus 2:11-15”
Practical Applications from the Law
The New Testament is emphatic that the Old Covenant law stands forever fulfilled in Christ Jesus. He kept it to a jot and a tittle in our stead. But just because the law is fulfilled doesn’t mean we can’t learn from it. First, there are often underlying practical reasons for many of the laws (touching a corpse, handling of waste, etc.). Moreover, we can find shadows of Christ and His work as we think more deeply about the principles of each law.
In today’s Words of Grace, we consider three random examples of this from the book of Leviticus.
Radio broadcast for April 25, 2021 Continue reading “Practical Applications from the Law”
Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul In Hell
What did the Psalmist mean when he wrote of Christ, “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption” in Psalm 16:10? Theories about this passage abound, but the truth is likely far simpler. Tune into this week’s episode of Words of Grace as we explore this important verse.
Radio broadcast for April 18, 2021 Continue reading “Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul In Hell”
Caiaphas’ Surprising Prophecy
Shortly after the Lord Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, a surprising individual offered a prophecy of the death of Christ. This man? An unbelieving high priest named Caiaphas! Although his meaning and the Lord’s intent was quite different, he nonetheless spoke of Christ’s death for a great body of people.
Radio broadcast for March 28, 2020 Continue reading “Caiaphas’ Surprising Prophecy”