Born from Above

One of the most clear and instructive passages concerning the new birth is found in a conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and a man named Nicodemus in John chapter 3. In this teaching of Christ, we learn that without the new birth, also called quickening or regeneration, a person is unable to see the Kingdom of God. Also, it is revealed and that God is sovereign in this vital phase of salvation. Join us for this study in our continuing series on Sovereign Grace statements from John’s gospel.

Radio broadcast for November 27,  2022.

Continue reading “Born from Above”


Despite being such a common Biblical subject, we rarely hear a lot about repentance in modern Christianity. On today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett shares insight from both the Old and New Testaments regarding this neglected subject.

Radio broadcast for August 21, 2022. Continue reading “Repentance”

What is Faith?

Here is a great irony within Christianity. Faith is one of the most used words among believers, most referenced concepts in the scriptures, and one of the least understood subjects! In today’s radio program, Ben Winslett shares an abundance of scriptures to share a fundamental groundwork of this miracle in the heart we call “faith.”

Radio broadcast for May 1, 2022. Continue reading “What is Faith?”

Examples of Regeneration

Whatever one believes about any Bible doctrine, the stories of the Bible ought to corroborate their views – if those views are correct. In other words, Bible theology should be demonstrated in Bible accounts. In this broadcast, we consider some obvious and notable examples of the new birth. As we do, ask yourself the question: Does my teaching on regeneration line up with these examples?

Radio broadcast for November 22, 2021. Continue reading “Examples of Regeneration”

Beware This Leaven

Borrowing from a warning Jesus’ issued about the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees, Ben Winslett warns against a concept popular among some conservative evangelicals that many times leads to either to pride or discouragement: Lordship salvation.

Radio broadcast for July 11, 2021. Continue reading “Beware This Leaven”