The Sovereignty of God, Sovereign Grace Episode 3

In this episode of Words of Grace, we delve into the profound concept of God’s sovereignty. Building on the previous discussions of sovereign grace and human depravity, we now explore the biblical theology of the sovereignty of God.

Through scriptural references, such as Ephesians 1:11, James 1:12-15, Daniel 4:34-37, and Isaiah 45:1-7, 45:18, and 46:5-10, we illustrate God’s omnipotence, righteousness, and sovereignty. We also reflect on the implications of misrepresenting God’s nature and the necessity of aligning our beliefs with biblical truth.

Radio broadcast for July 7, 2024 Continue reading “The Sovereignty of God, Sovereign Grace Episode 3”

Divine Revelation

In our modern times, it’s common for folks to believe that believing in Jesus is a simple matter of personal choice. However, from passages like Matthew 16 and Matthew 11, we learn that knowing Jesus is the result of divine revelation. That is, the Father reveals His Son to human beings. Join Ben Winslett for more, in today’s edition of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for February 12, 2023. Continue reading “Divine Revelation”

The Church at Sardis

The Lord’s words to the church at Sardis were terrifying: They had the reputation of a living church, but were indeed as good as dead. Ouch! One can only imagine how their pastor’s heart sunk as he learned that news. The good thing, there was even hope for a church in such a poor shape. Through strengthening the remaining life and repenting, they could walk with Christ and continue. That’s helpful for us to know today!

Radio broadcast for February 6, 2022. Continue reading “The Church at Sardis”

The Church at Pergamos

The Church at Pergamos was a congregation of faithful saints with one major issue: They tolerated certain false teachers who, in some way, encouraged loose living which resulted in sin. Jesus’ message to them was simple. They were to handle it, or He would handle it. Join us for this message from Revelation chapter 2, on Jesus’ words to the Church at Pergamos.

Radio broadcast for January 23, 2022.

Continue reading “The Church at Pergamos”

The Church at Ephesus

Beginning a new radio series on Jesus’ words to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor contained in John’s Revelation, we consider the dangerous threat facing the church at Ephesus. Shockingly, this reveals that a church can be doctrinally sound, have rigid personal discipline and high standards, yet still have problems as a church. In fact, Ephesus’ problem threatened her very existence!

Radio broadcast for January 9, 2022. Continue reading “The Church at Ephesus”