Your Identity in Christ, From Romans | In Christ Episode 1

Join Ben Winslett for a brand-new series on Words of Grace, exploring the powerful “In Christ” statements found throughout the New Testament. In this introductory episode, Ben dives into the Epistle to the Romans, where he unpacks the profound significance of being “In Christ”—our identity, redemption, and eternal security as God’s people. With insights on salvation, justification, and our collective unity in Christ, this study is designed to comfort and instruct. Tune in weekly for this in-depth exploration of our identity in Him.

Radio broadcast for August 25, 2024. Continue reading “Your Identity in Christ, From Romans | In Christ Episode 1”

The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series

In this fourth episode of our series on the sovereignty of God in salvation, we delve into the profound topic of God’s sovereign choice of His people for salvation. Specifically, the aspect of God’s election, examining scriptures that illustrate how God, in His sovereignty, chose His elect before the foundation of the world. We also address common misconceptions and questions about divine election, emphasizing that God’s choice is rooted in His mercy and not in human merit.

Through passages from Ephesians, Romans, and other books of the Bible, we see that God’s election is an undeniable biblical principle. Join us as we deepen our understanding of God’s sovereign grace and His eternal plan for His chosen people.

Radio broadcast for July 14, 2024. Continue reading “The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series”