Resting in Hope

In this week’s edition of Words of Grace, we share a recent message by Ben Winslett from the 16th Psalm.

Psalm 16, a Messianic Psalm, reminds us that because Christ was raised from the dead, our flesh can rest in hope. Trust and hope—two crucial words—offer us peace in the face of loss. Trusting in God means placing our loved ones in His hands, knowing that death is inevitable but not final. Hope, in the biblical sense, is not mere wishful thinking but a confident expectation rooted in God’s promises.

Romans 8:29-30 beautifully outlines the unbreakable chain of our salvation: foreknown, predestined, called, justified, and glorified. From eternity past to eternity future, God preserves His people. As Psalm 23 so powerfully declares, even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for the Lord is with us.

Because Christ has conquered death, we can rest in hope and trust in the preservation of our souls.

Radio broadcast for March 2, 2025.

Continue reading “Resting in Hope”

From Preservation to Glorification, Sovereign Grace Episode 7

Today on Words of Grace, we present the concluding message in our series on Sovereign Grace, focusing on the certainty of final salvation for God’s chosen people. Throughout this series, we’ve explored foundational concepts like total depravity, God’s sovereign choice, Christ’s atoning work, and the Holy Spirit’s role in the new birth. Today, we emphasize the assurance that those predestined, called, and justified by God will ultimately be glorified, as highlighted in Romans 8 and also in John’s gospel.

Additionally, we draw from passages in 1 Corinthians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians to underscore the fact that our final salvation is guaranteed by God’s faithfulness. Despite our flaws, God will confirm and preserve us until the end. Ephesians 1 and Romans 8 further affirm our predestination to be adopted and conformed to Christ’s image, ensuring that nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Radio broadcast for August 4, 2024. Continue reading “From Preservation to Glorification, Sovereign Grace Episode 7”

Particular Redemption, Sovereign Grace 5

Welcome to today’s episode of Words of Grace! We’re continuing our enlightening series on Sovereign Grace with message number five, “Particular Redemption.” Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored the concept of God’s sovereignty in salvation, laying a strong foundation in messages about why to believe in Sovereign Grace, the necessity of grace due to total depravity, and the Father’s sovereign choice in salvation. Today, we’re diving into the heart of the gospel, focusing on Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, that Jesus died specifically for those chosen by God before the foundation of the world, a doctrine steeped in scripture and affirmed by the historic Baptists and Primitive Baptists today!

Radio broadcast for July 21, 2024. Continue reading “Particular Redemption, Sovereign Grace 5”

Why Should I Believe in Sovereign Grace?

Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, as we delve into the profound question: “Why should I believe in Sovereign Grace?” In this episode, Ben Winslett explores a biblical doctrine often overlooked in American evangelicalism — Sovereign Grace.

Many Christians have never encountered this doctrine in sermons or teachings, yet it’s deeply rooted in Scripture. We invite you to examine passages like Ephesians 1 and others that reveal God’s Sovereign Grace in salvation. Discover why understanding this doctrine is crucial for every believer’s spiritual journey. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion that challenges and encourages us to embrace God’s sovereign plan in our lives.

Radio broadcast for June 23, 2024. Continue reading “Why Should I Believe in Sovereign Grace?”

The Value of Hope

If you look around the world today, you might think things rather hopeless. Feelings of anxiety and despair have a tendency to sweep over us like a flood. From wars and rumors of wars, to health issues, to financial difficulty, to relational problems, the world is a place of suffering.

In today’s broadcast, Pastor Winslett shares a message of hope in the midst of suffering from one of the most comforting chapters in the bible: Romans chapter 8.

Radio broadcast for October 8, 2023. Continue reading “The Value of Hope”

The Role of God the Father in Salvation

Beginning a new focus of study on Words of Grace, we consider the role of God the Father in our salvation. Put briefly, God the Father often represents Divine prerogative. That is, when God has ordained something in the Bible, it is the Father that this ordination is attributed to and salvation is no exception. Join us for message 1 in our series on the roles of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in salvation.

Radio broadcast for August 28, 2022. Continue reading “The Role of God the Father in Salvation”