In Christ, from 2 Corinthians

In today’s broadcast of Words of Grace, Pastor Ben Winslett continues his series on the “In Christ” statements of the New Testament, turning to the book of 2 Corinthians. Exploring passages such as 2 Corinthians 5:17, 5:19, and 2:14, this message emphasizes the profound truths of our new life, eternal salvation, and connection in Christ. Ben shares insights on how we are new creations, how God has reconciled us through Christ, and how we are established and enabled to serve in Him. Join us as we delve deeper into the significance of being “In Christ.”

Radio broadcast for September 8, 2024. Continue reading “In Christ, from 2 Corinthians”

Walking After The Flesh

Paul devotes much attention to life before and after the new birth. Often, he presents definitive statements regarding states of being (dead in sin vs alive through the Spirit), leading to eventual exhortations to mortify our sinful nature by walking in the Spirit. Join us for today’s broadcast, in which Ben Winslett considers one such passage from Romans chapter 8.

Radio broadcast for July 10, 2022. Continue reading “Walking After The Flesh”