Particular Redemption, Sovereign Grace 5

Welcome to today’s episode of Words of Grace! We’re continuing our enlightening series on Sovereign Grace with message number five, “Particular Redemption.” Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored the concept of God’s sovereignty in salvation, laying a strong foundation in messages about why to believe in Sovereign Grace, the necessity of grace due to total depravity, and the Father’s sovereign choice in salvation. Today, we’re diving into the heart of the gospel, focusing on Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, that Jesus died specifically for those chosen by God before the foundation of the world, a doctrine steeped in scripture and affirmed by the historic Baptists and Primitive Baptists today!

Radio broadcast for July 21, 2024. Continue reading “Particular Redemption, Sovereign Grace 5”

The Sovereignty of God, Sovereign Grace Episode 3

In this episode of Words of Grace, we delve into the profound concept of God’s sovereignty. Building on the previous discussions of sovereign grace and human depravity, we now explore the biblical theology of the sovereignty of God.

Through scriptural references, such as Ephesians 1:11, James 1:12-15, Daniel 4:34-37, and Isaiah 45:1-7, 45:18, and 46:5-10, we illustrate God’s omnipotence, righteousness, and sovereignty. We also reflect on the implications of misrepresenting God’s nature and the necessity of aligning our beliefs with biblical truth.

Radio broadcast for July 7, 2024 Continue reading “The Sovereignty of God, Sovereign Grace Episode 3”


We all look at life through the lens of our presuppositions. Sometimes these are correct. Many times, they are not. In this broadcast, we consider a few theological points from scripture that ought to frame the way we interpret the Bible and also the world around us.

Radio broadcast for July 4, 2021. Continue reading “Presuppositions”