Blessed Are The Meek

Join us for another episode of Words of Grace as Ben Winslett explores the teachings of Christ found in Matthew 5:5—Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. What does it mean to be meek? How does this characteristic reflect the life of Jesus Christ? And how do the meek inherit the earth, both in this life and in the world to come? Through biblical definitions, Old Testament connections, and powerful examples like Moses and Christ Himself, we uncover the beauty and strength found in godly meekness.

Radio broadcast February 16, 2025. Continue reading “Blessed Are The Meek”

Finding Purpose in a Thorn

Afflictions are a sad part of reality in this sin cursed earth. However, there are things we can learn in the midst of trials. For one, we can grow in humility, as afflictions can humble us. But also, we can experience the power of Christ, as His strength is made perfect in weakness!

Join us for this message from 2 Corinthians 12 about God’s strength being made perfect in our weakness.

Radio broadcast for May 5, 2024. Continue reading “Finding Purpose in a Thorn”

Blessed Assurance

Recently on Words of Grace, our focus has been on suffering and afflictions. We’ve spoken to the origin of suffering, the various causes of suffering, the great difference between when God sends affliction and when Satan afflicts us, as well as many related themes like God’s sovereignty and the wiles of the Devil.

In today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett considers the great blessing of peace that we have when we are faithful and trusting of God IN our afflictions. Tune in to learn more!

Radio broadcast for April 21, 2024. Continue reading “Blessed Assurance”

The Value of Hope

If you look around the world today, you might think things rather hopeless. Feelings of anxiety and despair have a tendency to sweep over us like a flood. From wars and rumors of wars, to health issues, to financial difficulty, to relational problems, the world is a place of suffering.

In today’s broadcast, Pastor Winslett shares a message of hope in the midst of suffering from one of the most comforting chapters in the bible: Romans chapter 8.

Radio broadcast for October 8, 2023. Continue reading “The Value of Hope”

Let Go and Let God???

A popular Christian slogan in contemporary times is “Let go and let God.” But is this the best way to express encouragement in times of trial? We think not – for the simple reason that human beings cannot “let” God do anything, for He is sovereign.

In this message, Pastor Winslett speaks to that point, while also clarifying the true point most people intend when they say this phrase, as well as biblical alternatives. Continue reading “Let Go and Let God???”