The Wisdom of the World

In western culture, we’re constantly bombarded with ridiculous notions which the world holds as true that are contrary to not only scripture, but the light of nature as well. In this message, the first of a three part series, Ben Winslett speaks to this problem from Paul’s definitive and pointed language to the church at Corinth about “the wisdom of this world,” and God’s eventual and final victory over it.

Radio broadcast for July 17, 2022. Continue reading “The Wisdom of the World”


One might think now is a time in which we stand more in need of wisdom than in other seasons. However, the truth is that each and every day, we need the wisdom of God to help us navigate life.

I have good news for you – God gives wisdom to all who ask, and He does so liberally! And this wisdom, though it be commonly attacked and shunned by the world, will one day put to shame the foolish notions held by men.

Radio broadcast for February 21, 2021 Continue reading “Wisdom”