The Nonnegotiable Truth of the Resurrection

Last week’s edition of Words of Grace focused on what a church considers nonnegotiable, as far as theological concepts are concerned. We used what we commonly referred to as the Articles of Faith to demonstrate this. In short, there are just some concepts that we ought to affirm. Things that  we believe, that we will not entertain any objection to. Today, we consider one of the most crucial nonnegotiable concepts which exists: The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Radio broadcast for April 9, 2023. Continue reading “The Nonnegotiable Truth of the Resurrection”

The Importance of Nonnegotiable Truths

On this weekend’s edition of Words of Grace, we consider the importance of ideas that aren’t up for debate. The Bible tells us to buy the truth and sell it not. This means once a truth is known, it’s not to be reconsidered. We may explain it, but we should never entertain movements to redefine it. Truth is truth.

Churches commonly have official, voted upon statements of faith that serve as a list of “nonnegotiable” concepts that are necessary to submit to in order to join and remain in good standing. We call these the “Articles of Faith,” and at Flint River, ours date back to our founding in 1808.

Radio broadcast for April 2, 2023. Continue reading “The Importance of Nonnegotiable Truths”

Grace for Grace, Part 1

John 1 includes an interesting statement that at first glance can be rather puzzling. The Apostle writes that we have received grace for grace. We know the Bible emphatically declares we’re saved by grace, but what does this language mean, “grace for grace”? Tune in to this weekend’s edition of Words of Grace to learn.

Radio broadcast for March 19, 2023 Continue reading “Grace for Grace, Part 1”

Subduing the Earth!

Are you a young man or woman without a lot of motivation and direction? Pastor Winslett’s radio program this week might be something you need to hear. From Genesis 1, he confronts the depiction of masculinity and femininity of popular culture and challenges us to go conquer – subdue – as the Lord commanded.

Radio broadcast for March 12, 2023. Continue reading “Subduing the Earth!”

The Cross

One of the most prevalent and symbolic themes of the New Testament is that of the cross. This is for good reason, as the Lord gave His life upon a cross. Therefore salvation was accomplished on a cross. And so if Christianity had a theme or a logo, some symbol to represent it as a worldview or a belief system, it would be that of a cross, a crucifix. This is why that’s exactly what we find in encyclopedic and media references to Christianity – pictures of a cross – when the faith is being discussed.

Today on Words of Grace we want to spend some time reflecting on the cross. First of all, how it was an emblem of the suffering and work of Christ as far as words go. But also what took place on the cross, both in terms of Jesus suffering and the salvation that He provided. Lastly, there’s a lesson for each of us to consider when we look at the cross, as Jesus commanded us to take up our own crosses and follow Him!

Radio broadcast for March 5, 2023. Continue reading “The Cross”

Get Thee Behind Me

Sometimes when people hear bad news, the instinct is to challenge such with expressions of optimism. This happened once in the life of Jesus, as He foretold of His arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. Upon hearing Jesus’ predictions of His sufferings, Peter took him and rebuked him. But Jesus was born into the world to die for the sins of His people! Join us for this week’s edition of Words of Grace as we explore this conversation from Matthew chapter 16.

Radio broadcast for February 26, 2023. Continue reading “Get Thee Behind Me”

I Will Build My Church

Continuing our brief series from the words of Christ in Matthew 16, we consider His awesome and historic proclamation that He would build His church. Fathom that! Jesus built an organization, an assembly, in which people could worship and experience His presence. And, the gates of Hell would never prevail against it!

Radio broadcast for February 19, 2023. Continue reading “I Will Build My Church”

Divine Revelation

In our modern times, it’s common for folks to believe that believing in Jesus is a simple matter of personal choice. However, from passages like Matthew 16 and Matthew 11, we learn that knowing Jesus is the result of divine revelation. That is, the Father reveals His Son to human beings. Join Ben Winslett for more, in today’s edition of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for February 12, 2023. Continue reading “Divine Revelation”

The Eternal Sonship of Christ

The most important question in history is “who is Jesus Christ?” Simply put, Jesus’ identity as the messiah, the Christ, the incarnate Word, and God’s only Son is the basis for our hope for salvation from sin and everlasting life. In light of this fact, a branch of theology we call “Christology” is something we want to get right.

In today’s broadcast, our focus is the Eternal Sonship of Christ. While this is a nonnegotiable doctrine to Christians from the time of Christ onward, some in recent years have erred, rejected this notion. In this edition of Words of Grace, Pastor Winslett speaks to the history of this debate as well as the scriptural soundness of this doctrine.

Radio broadcast for February 5, 2023. Continue reading “The Eternal Sonship of Christ”