History is filled with people who diminished the awesome grandeur and divinity of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who is He? Tune in to this week’s message to learn about our great God. Continue reading “The Real Christ, from Colossians Chapter 1”
Delivered from Darkness
Continuing our exposition the book of Colossians, we look to beautiful, theological language in chapter 1, verses 12-14.
Message 3 in our series through Colossians, from October 2021. Continue reading “Delivered from Darkness”
A Minister’s Heart
A pastor’s heart is never more revealing than when he prays. In this message, we read Paul’s prayer for the church at Colossae, from Colossians 1:9-12.
Message 2 in our series through Colossians, from September 2021.
The Wisdom of the World
In western culture, we’re constantly bombarded with ridiculous notions which the world holds as true that are contrary to not only scripture, but the light of nature as well. In this message, the first of a three part series, Ben Winslett speaks to this problem from Paul’s definitive and pointed language to the church at Corinth about “the wisdom of this world,” and God’s eventual and final victory over it.
Radio broadcast for July 17, 2022. Continue reading “The Wisdom of the World”
Walking After The Flesh
Paul devotes much attention to life before and after the new birth. Often, he presents definitive statements regarding states of being (dead in sin vs alive through the Spirit), leading to eventual exhortations to mortify our sinful nature by walking in the Spirit. Join us for today’s broadcast, in which Ben Winslett considers one such passage from Romans chapter 8.
Radio broadcast for July 10, 2022. Continue reading “Walking After The Flesh”
An Open and Honest Talk for a Post-Roe World
As hard as it is to believe, we’re now living life in a “post” Roe v Wade world. In today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett engages in a gentle but direct talk about the sanctity of human life, as well as ways Christians can work as individuals or in group efforts to help provide the needs of impoverished children, as is our duty.
Radio broadcast for July 3, 2022. Continue reading “An Open and Honest Talk for a Post-Roe World”
Cases of Mass Judgment
In today’s broadcast, we look at some occurrences of mass judgment in the Bible, considering a philosophical question folks sometimes have when reading of such: Are people other than the main culprits in sin sometimes caught up in judgment? And if so, why?
Radio broadcast for June 26, 2022. Continue reading “Cases of Mass Judgment”
A Life of Joy
Simply put, the Christian life should be a life of joy despite all circumstances. As a consequence of this, if I find myself and those around me chronically miserable, I’m probably not doing Christianity right. Join us for this exploration of the biblical concept of joy on this episode of Words of Grace.
Radio broadcast for June 19, 2022. Continue reading “A Life of Joy”
Prayer: Our Underutilized Weapon
In our last broadcast, we considered how important the church is in our daily lives. Today, we follow up that message with one on the resource we commonly neglect to utilize, prayer.
Radio broadcast for June 12, 2022 Continue reading “Prayer: Our Underutilized Weapon”
Why We Need The Church In 2022
It’s no secret that church attendance has been down in recent decades. Sadly, in a post-pandemic world, public worship has taken an even greater hit. In today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett speaks to some causes of this phenomenon but also the crucial importance of the church in our lives.
Radio broadcast for June 5, 2022. Continue reading “Why We Need The Church In 2022”