
An interesting exchange of words took place between the Lord Jesus and a character know as the rich young ruler, as recorded in the gospel accounts. The young man mistakenly believed in salvation by good works, and Jesus absolutely tears down that false premise in a very powerful way. How then are sinners saved? Well, with men this is impossible. But not with God; for with God, all things are possible. Continue reading “Impossible”

To Avenge Or Not To Avenge

Many times, the way of this world is to seek vengeance upon one’s enemies. This is true for all people, but especially true in ancient monarchies, when the throne could be won by might. Returning to the life of David, in today’s broadcast we consider three examples when David refused to indulge in vengeance on Saul, his family, and their military forces. Continue reading “To Avenge Or Not To Avenge”

When Good Men Fall

One of the most tragic and painful accounts in all the Bible is that of David and Bathsheba. Rather than the hero we’ve known him to be throughout his life, David – in a period of personal idleness – lusts after a woman and sins. Worse, he conspires to cover it up before committing the ultimate act of desperation: murder. In this week’s edition of Words of Grace, Ben Winslett shares the story and brings several observations to our attention.

Radio broadcast for September 26, 2021 Continue reading “When Good Men Fall”

David and Goliath

We all know the epic account of David and Goliath. As one old preacher commented when introducing this passage in a sermon, “David always wins.” Familiar as it may be, this passage is extremely encouraging and there are many practical lessons we can derive from it. Join us for this message, a continuation of our radio series on King David.

Radio broadcast for September 19, 2021. Continue reading “David and Goliath”


Some define integrity as doing the right thing when no one is looking. In today’s broadcast, we revisit the life of David once again to consider two stories in which David walks in mature integrity, choosing to do right even when it would have benefitted him to do otherwise. Continue reading “Integrity”

In God We Trust

The continual outrage, paranoia, fear, and hysteria we see in America today is more akin to the reaction of an atheist than a Christian! If you believe in Christ, you ought to have a completely different perspective on world events. Rather than trusting in self, nation, government, or science, we are to trust in God. Continue reading “In God We Trust”

Don’t be a Nabal

In his run from king Saul, David came across a dastardly character named Nabal. Unreasonable, foolish, rude, and equally wealthy, Nabal’s sinful behavior would finally be judged by God after his encounter with the man after God’s own heart, the future king David.

Radio broadcast for September 5, 2021. Continue reading “Don’t be a Nabal”