In the final miracle listed in Jesus’ many miraculous acts recorded in Matthew 11, was that the poor had the gospel preached to them. Find out how this is a miracle in today’s message.
The Dead Are Raised | Matthew 11
While all of Jesus’ miracles openly displayed His power over creation, it was special indeed when He raised the dead. Our hope is in the resurrection, and Jesus’ victorious power over death itself gives us much comfort.
The Deaf Hear | Matthew 11
One of the miracles The Lord Jesus performed in His ministry was restoring the hearing of the deaf. While this demonstrated both Jesus’ divine power and His great compassion, there is also a spiritual lesson to be gleaned about our own ability to hear the gospel!
The Lepers Cleansed | Matthew 11
Continuing our study on the miracles of Christ, we consider the ancient Biblical plague of leprosy and Jesus’ compassion towards those who were lepers.
The Lame Walk | Matthew 11
Continuing our series on the miracles of Christ, we come to Jesus’ healing of those who suffered from various afflictions which incapacitated them, such as withered limbs, amputations, and even paralysis.
Sight To The Blind | Matthew 11
One of the miracles Jesus performed in His early ministry was giving sight to the blind. In this sermon, we consider three specific cases when Jesus healed blind people and spiritual lessons we can learn from each.
Go Tell John Again | Matthew 11
A most interesting interaction occurred between Jesus and the disciples of John the Baptist in Matthew chapter 11. Imprisoned for condemning kind Herod’s sin, John sent disciples to Jesus with the question, “art thou He or do we look for another?”
Message 1 in our series, “Go Tell John Again.”
The Woman Taken in Adultery
The case of the woman taken in adultery is one of the most beloved passages in scripture, as it depicts the shocking mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ordered and Sure
In John 6, Jesus promised that “all the Father” has given to Him “shall come to Him” and never be cast out. This begs the question: Why? Join us for this message, in which we discuss the everlasting covenant between God the Father, Son, and Spirit before the world began, to save God’s people from their sins.
Closing Thoughts
Concluding our study through 1 Timothy, we come to Paul’s final exhortations in 1 Timothy chapter 6.
Message 24 in our series through 1 Timothy