From a recent Deacon ordination at Flint River, Pastor Winslett charges two brothers as to the service and work of a deacon.
Howl Now, Rich Men!
In James chapter 5, the Apostle wrote, “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.” To what specific rich men does James write this terrifying proclamation? What is the backstory behind this language? Join us for this edition of Words of Grace, in which we study through the early portions of James chapter 5.
Radio broadcast January 6, 2019
Happy New Year!
None of us know the future. And yet, sometimes men will brag about their future exploits with such certainty as if they were already accomplished. Truly, the tongue, though small, boasts of many great things. In this episode of Words of Grace, we consider James’ exhortation against presumptuous boasting, from two perspectives; 1) We know not what a day will bring, and 2) Even in our speech, we should bow the knee to God’s sovereignty.
Happy New Year!
Radio broadcast for December 30, 2018
Grace: Our Solution
We’ve really considered some heavy hitting lessons from the book of James in recent weeks. Toes are bruised. Consciences are bruised. Amidst all the rebukes of the Apostle James we’ve read (and will read), a bright ray of hope appears in James chapter 4: Our solution, God’s grace. Our source of strength, enabling us to mortify temptations, the tongue, judgmentalism, etc., is the unlimited grace of God.
Radio broadcast for Decemner 23, 2018
Ask Not, Have Not
The Apostle James wrote that we have not because we ask not. This means there are blessings we could have, if we’d only ask. Worse, he also remarked that many times we aren’t given what we pray for because our desires are motivated by carnal lusts! Oh, that we would know how to maturely pray. Tune in to this edition of Words of Grace from James chapter 4.
Radio broadcast for December 16, 2018.
Warring Among You
Coming to James chapter 4, we begin studying the unfortunate occurrence of “wars” between members of a church body. How do these sad displays of human carnality generally present themselves? By harmful words. Join us for this broadcast from James chapter 4.
Radio broadcast for December 9, 2018.
True Wisdom
There are but two sources of wisdom. One can either walk in the wisdom of this world and gender strife and destruction, or walk in the wisdom from above and introduce peace and preservation into their life. Join us for this message from James chapter 3, as we consider true wisdom.
Radio broadcast for December 2, 2018
Be Not Many Masters
Be not many masters. This stinging exhortation is found in James chapter 3, and serves to remind us of a consistent principle of Jesus’ teaching: We should be careful not to become cynical critics! Join Pastor Winslett for this message in our continued study of James.
Radio broadcast for November 25, 2018
Putting Faith into Practice
Continuing our series through James, we consider the admonitions James makes to believers to “show their faith by their works.” In short, doing good things by faith says much more about us than merely uttering the words “I believe.”
Radio broadcast for November 18, 2018.
Guilty of All
Have you broken one single part of God’s law? According to James, if you have, you’re guilty of it all! In this broadcast, we come to the portion of James chapter 2 regarding God’s Holy law and our universal guilt and condemnation.
Radio broadcast for November 11, 2018.