How to Love God More

In today’s episode of Words of Grace, we emphasize what, at times and contrary to our wishes, is a struggle in the emotional aspect of loving God the way we want to. How can we grow in this? Ben Winslett shares biblical insight into the concept of loving God as well as two methods of growing in our affection for Him.

Radio broadcast for July 20, 2023. Continue reading “How to Love God More”

Paul, the Pattern of Regeneration

In today’s episode of Words of Grace, we engage in a bit of “cage rattling.” How so? Simply put, if my theology cannot explain the actual conversion stories in the Bible, then something is likely awry in my thinking. Does my theology explain the Thief on the Cross? Or Cornelius? Do I insist upon requirements for salvation that people who are clearly saved did not meet? Does my view of regeneration – the new birth – mirror that of Saul of Tarsus? If not, more thinking and learning is needed.

Join us for this message on the radical and miraculous encounter a sinful man named Saul had with the Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ; a story some might consider an exceptional case, when in reality it sets the pattern for the very act of salvation.

Radio broadcast for July 23, 2023. Continue reading “Paul, the Pattern of Regeneration”

A Hospital for Sinners

Have you ever known someone curious about Christ but too afraid to visit a church our of fear of being judged? It would be great to say that’s all a misunderstanding, but the fact is, sometimes church culture is “judgy” about the mistakes in the lives of others.

In James chapter 5, James instructs his audience to confess their faults, one to another, to find healing.  While this is beneficial for the specified reason – healing – it also helps foster a sort of church culture that is far less intimidating to newcomers who are struggling with sin. Rather than putting on a mask of self righteousness, people are real about their problems, and so folks who struggle feel more comfortable. Listen to this week’s edition of Words of Grace to learn more!

Radio broadcast for July 16, 2023. Continue reading “A Hospital for Sinners”

Lessons from the Olivet Discourse

In today’s broadcast, we share a message in which Ben Winslett considers one of our Lord’s sermons that has come to be called the Olivet Discourse. It gets its name from the location in which it was preached, the Mount of Olives. Prompted by Jesus’ foretelling the destruction of the Temple, four apostles come to Him privately and ask about this calamity, as well as His second coming and the end of the world.

Radio broadcast for July 9, 2023. Continue reading “Lessons from the Olivet Discourse”

Mourning and Miracles, Part 2

Last week we considered together Jesus’ response to the death of John the Baptist: Prayer. Today, we continue this message, looking at the willingness of Jesus to interrupt His needs for the sake of helping people in their affliction, something very common to His ministry. In specific, our focus is on the miracles that He performed and His sovereign power over creation.

Radio broadcast for July 2, 2023. Continue reading “Mourning and Miracles, Part 2”

Mourning and Miracles, Part 1

There is a proper place for mourning after a tragedy. Sometimes people feel ashamed to mourn and there are even times when people are scolded for it. But it’s a proper part of the healing process though the sting of loss never fully goes away.

In today’s broadcast, we share the first half of a message from Matthew chapter 14 and our Lord Jesus’ response to the death of John the Baptist, which was to go to God in solitude and pray.

Radio broadcast for June 25, 2023. Continue reading “Mourning and Miracles, Part 1”

We Believe in Ministerial Authority

Today on Words of Grace, we come to our final message in our series on the standard Statement of Faith or Abstract of Principles of historic Baptists in the United States and also Primitive Baptists of today, a document which we commonly refer to as the Articles of Faith.

The subject matter of today’s Article has to do with what we will call ministerial authority. While this might seem like a strange point of view to include in a document as important as the articles of faith, it’s actually very fitting to include it!

Article 12. We believe that no minister has a right to administration of the ordinances, only such as are regularly baptized, called, and come under the imposition of hands by a presbytery.

Radio broadcast for June 18, 2023. Continue reading “We Believe in Ministerial Authority”

We Believe in the Resurrection

Continuing our series on the standard Articles of Faith of historic Baptist churches in the United States as well as Primitive Baptist churches of today, we arrive at the doctrine of eschatology, the end of time. In this program, we consider the historic viewpoints of pre-millennialism, post-millennialism, and a-millennialism, as well a more modern and extremely problematic paradigm called Dispensationalism.

From Flint River’s statement of faith (1808):
10 – We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in a general judgment.
11 – We believe that the punishment of the wicked and the joys of the righteous will be eternal.

Radio broadcast for June 11, 2023. Continue reading “We Believe in the Resurrection”