Looking for Open Doors

Churches are not to be stagnant, both in terms of vibrancy but also outreach. But to actually find opportunities to share the gospel and to help others requires what scripture calls “an open door.” These doors can’t be fabricated or forced, but are provided by God Himself. On today’s broadcast, we elaborate on this concept.

Radio broadcast for March 27, 2022. Continue reading “Looking for Open Doors”

A Continual Prayer Vigil, Part 1

We would imagine that over the past week, you’ve been alarmed more than you might have been in some time because of the dangerous, powder keg of a situation in Europe. This is for good reason. It’s nothing to wink at. In view of such, a trait of God’s people is to see such unfold and immediately begin to ask the question, “what can I do?” That’s what we’ll consider on this and next week’s edition of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for March 6, 2022. Continue reading “A Continual Prayer Vigil, Part 1”

Are Pastors Trustworthy?

A recent study indicated that most people in the US are not very confident that pastors are are trustworthy source of wisdom in a spiritual sense. This is as frustrating as it is unsurprising! But what might contributing to this? In today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett shares his thoughts with cultural and scriptural insight.

Radio broadcast for February 27, 2022. Continue reading “Are Pastors Trustworthy?”

The Church at Laodicea

Concluding our series on Jesus’ “mini-epistles” to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, we look at the church in the worst shape of them all: Laodicea. Wealthy, proud, and apathetic, Jesus basically tells this church they nauseate Him. Even then, there was hope as repentance awaited at the door.

Radio broadcast for February 20, 2022 Continue reading “The Church at Laodicea”

The Church at Philadelphia

We’ve heard many alarming warnings and rebukes in our series on the Seven Churches of Asia; so much so that it ought to cause a bit of reflection and self examination. But to the church at Philadelphia, Jesus had nothing but encouragement to this afflicted church with great personal weakness. In fact, through His strength, they would receive an opportunity that the strength of this would could not stop!

Radio broadcast for February 13, 2022. Continue reading “The Church at Philadelphia”

The Church at Sardis

The Lord’s words to the church at Sardis were terrifying: They had the reputation of a living church, but were indeed as good as dead. Ouch! One can only imagine how their pastor’s heart sunk as he learned that news. The good thing, there was even hope for a church in such a poor shape. Through strengthening the remaining life and repenting, they could walk with Christ and continue. That’s helpful for us to know today!

Radio broadcast for February 6, 2022. Continue reading “The Church at Sardis”