Counsel for the Quarantined!

Though we’re all “sheltering in place,” that doesn’t mean we have to grow spiritually weak in our proverbial exile. In this broadcast, Ben Winslett shares some ideas for those quarantined in the covid-19 threat.

Radio broadcast for March 29, 2020

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Concluding 1 John

In today’s broadcast, we come to the conclusion of 1 John, an epistle we’ve been studying through in recent months here on Words of Grace. From these passages, we learn the priority of praying, especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Radio broadcast for March 22, 2020

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Witnesses of Sonship

In 1 John 5, the Apostle John gives us witnesses of Christ, the Son of God, both in earth and in Heaven. In today’s broadcast, we defend the authenticity of these passages and also present an exposition of John’s arguments.

Radio broadcast for March 15, 2020

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Whosoever Believeth

Whosoever believeth is born of God. Those were the words of the Apostle John in 1 John 5:1, and his purpose is to exhort us to love children of God as we love our Heavenly Father. In this broadcast, we consider this most fundamental truth: Regeneration precedes faith. Those who believe in Christ so believe because they have been raised from death in sin, to new life in Jesus Christ.

Radio broadcast for March 8, 2020

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Some More Thoughts on Love

Continuing our study of John’s exhortation to love our brethren in 1 John 4, we come to one point of argument that John makes concerning love. How can a man say he loves God, though he has never seen God, when at the same time he hates other people, whom he has seen?

Radio broadcast for March 1, 2020

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God is Love

Returning to the theme of brotherly love, the Apostle John writes to the origin of love as a personal attribute, in 1 John chapter 4. God is love, so when God takes up residence in a person’s heart, the character trait of love becomes a part of their personality.

Radio broadcast for February 23, 2020.

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