
John warns us in 1 John 4, that many influences in the world are rather evil. In this broadcast, we consider his warning to “try the spirits,” because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Radio broadcast for February 16, 2020

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Some Counsel To Those Who Suffer

In this broadcast, we share a recent sermon from Flint River Church on the subject of suffering. More specifically, what should we do in the initial moment some terrible thing has occurred? Simply put, first we should cry out to God. Then, we should trust God. And finally, we should have hope.

Radio broadcast for February 9, 2020

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Confidence Toward God

When we follow Christ by faith, we experience assurance of our salvation. Or, as John refers to it in 1 John 3, “confidence toward God.” But what if our hearts condemn us? God is greater than our heart! Join us for this message from 1 John chapter 3.

Radio broadcast for February 2, 2020

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Loving the Brethren

One of the most common instructions we find in the New Testament is to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. In fact, by this, all men know we are the disciples of Jesus (Jn 13:35). In 1 John 3, the Apostle John exhorts believers not to be as the unregenerate, full of hate, but rather to love one another.

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Abiding in Sin

In 1 John 3, The Apostle John made some very strong remarks concerning those who abide in sin, even going as far as to say it manifests those who are of the Devil. Are we to understand this as an endorsement of automatic “sinless perfection” for a born again person? What is John’s meaning? We explore this passage in today’s episode of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for January 19, 2020

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What Manner of Love

Behold! What manner of love the Father hath bestowed on us!

Those words were penned by the Apostle John in 1 John 3:1, grabbing our attention and focusing on our minds on the great gift that is eternal salvation. The life-giving grace of God has brought us salvation, causing us to be His sons. Join us for this program in our continued radio series through 1 John.

Radio broadcast for January 12, 2020

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He that doeth Righteousness

What is the origin of personal righteousness in an individual? According to the Apostle John, for a person to truly do righteous things, he must first be born again! Join us for this message on 1 John 2:29.

Radio broadcast for January 5, 2020

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The Nativity, Part 2

In today’s edition of Words of Grace, we continue and conclude a message on the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, this time paying consideration to the words of the Angels who announced Jesus’ coming into the world.

Radio broadcast for December 29, 2019

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The Nativity, Part 1

Without the Nativity, there is no cross. Without the cross, there is no salvation. In the next two broadcasts, we share a message by Pastor Winslett delivered December 2018 on the incarnation of the Son of God, born our Saviour in Bethlehem.

Radio broadcast for December 22, 2019

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The Anointing of the Holy Spirit

After warning his readers of the many antichrists which corrupt the doctrine of the identity of the Lord Jesus Christ, John presents a fundamental truth: a person possessing eternal life has an unction, or anointing, from the Holy Spirit. Further, this anointing teaches them on a level deeper than any man can reach. Join us for this exposition of the final three verses of 1 John chapter 2.

Radio broadcast for December 15, 2019

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