The Sufferings of Christ

Easter is a time to remember not only the declaration of Christ’s victory in the resurrection, but His great suffering on the cross. In this message, we revisit Crucifixion week to consider the “passion” of Christ.

Radio broadcast for April 21, 2019

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Palm Sunday

This weekend, believers around the world commemorated what is known as Palm Sunday. Those of us who still use old fashioned, paper calendars to keep track of life events recognize the phrase as an annual occurrence. While most people are aware of the title, it would be reasonable to speculate that far fewer knew why the day was named as such. And yet even fewer likely understand the Biblical significance of its origin. Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, in which we consider the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, from which the name “Palm Sunday” is derived.

Radio broadcast for April 14, 2019

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What Happens at the Second Coming?

The hope of every follower of Christ is Jesus’ return. We yearn for the day when all sorrows and sufferings shall cease. This brings up an interesting question: What does the Bible actually say about Jesus’ second coming? In today’s broadcast, we search the scriptures for explicit statements concerning the return of Christ.

Radio broadcast for April 8, 2019

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The Lord is Not Slack

Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

For believers in Sovereign Grace, this verse is usually one of the first prooftexts raised in opposition to concepts such as election or predestination. But does this verse really contradict the sovereignty of God in salvation? We insist, no it doesn’t. In fact, as we explore the context of Peter’s statement in this episode of Words of Grace, we see that rather than contradicting election, this text demands it!

Radio broadcast for March 31, 2019

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Fruits of Life

In our last broadcast, we considered the great assurances which the Bible promises to the believer; namely, that believers have passed from death to life (as attested by their faith), and have the promise of deliverance with Christ in the world to come. But this concept brings up an interesting thought: True righteous works are the fruits of eternal life. As preachers of old would say, good works and faith are evidences of a gracious state. Join us for this message on such fruits of salvation.

Radio broadcast for March 24, 2019

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What is Faith?

In our last broadcast, we shared the many promises given to believers found in John’s gospel; declarative statements assuring deliverance for those who know God in the world to come. In this episode of Words of Grace, we revisit that theme of belief, answering the question from the scriptures, “what is faith?” If you’ve never considered the root of faith in the heart of a believer, you definitely want to listen.

Radio broadcast for March 17, 2019

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The Blessing of Being a Believer

In recent broadcasts, we considered the topics of Eternal Security and then the undergirding doctrine of Particular Redemption, both from a beloved verse, John 6:37. In today’s broadcast, we return to John chapter 6, this time with our focus on the great blessings promised to the believer in Christ.

Radio broadcast for March 10, 2019.

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Limited Atonement

Last week on Words of Grace, we shared thoughts on the biblical reality of eternal security. Today, we consider the doctrine which “undergirds” this comforting concept, the doctrine of Limited Atonement. That is, because Jesus Christ came to save a people given to Him by His Father, and because His work for them is efficacious, there is eternal security for all ordained to eternal life.

Radio broadcast for March 3, 2019

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Eternal Security

From Philippians 1:6, Pastor Winslett shares the comforting truth that if God begins a work in a person, He continues that work forever. We all struggle with our own sinfulness. To know that despite our failures, God is never “done” with us, but preserves us by His grace, is most comforting indeed!

Radio broadcast for February 24, 2019

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Christ, From the Psalms

Most every Christian is familiar with the Book of Psalms, the hymn book of Ancient Israel. While they contain many devotional and experiential thoughts, we often fail to realize the doctrinal and especially Christological nature of the Psalms. In this episode of Words of Grace, we conduct a brief survey, merely scratching the surface of such Messianic Psalms.

Radio broadcast for February 17, 2019

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