One common warning found in John’s epistles was against people to whom John referred as the antichrists. Who were they? What did they believe? We explore these concepts on today’s edition of Words of Grace.
Radio broadcast for December 8, 2019
Flint River Primitive Baptist Church
641 Moontown Road, Brownsboro, Alabama 35741
Recent episodes of Words of Grace.
Coverage information:
Huntsville Alabama – Sundays at 8:30 a.m. on 101.3 FM and 1140 AM WBXR
Birmingham (most of North) Alabama – Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. on 101.1 FM and 850 AM WXJC
Tupelo Mississippi – Sundays at 5:30 p.m. on 105.7 FM and 940 AM WCPC
Augusta Georgia – Sundays at 3:30 p.m. on 1050 AM and 98.9 FM WFAM
Chattanooga Tennessee – Fridays at 8:00 p.m. on 103.3 FM and 1450 AM WLMR
Worldwide, via the GraceAlone Radio Network
One common warning found in John’s epistles was against people to whom John referred as the antichrists. Who were they? What did they believe? We explore these concepts on today’s edition of Words of Grace.
Radio broadcast for December 8, 2019
In his first epistle, John instructs us to “love not the world.” What does this mean? Are we to despise the physical creation? Other people? Or does John have something specific under consideration? Find out, in today’s edition of Words of Grace.
Radio broadcast for December 1, 2019
In 1 John chapter 2, the Apostle John addresses three distinct groups in the church: little children, young men, and fathers. In today’s broadcast, we examine John’s words to them, considering concepts such as forgiveness for sin, overcoming the wicked one, and knowing God.
Radio broadcast for November 24, 2019
The Apostle John wrote in 1 John 2:7-8 about a command that was “no new commandment” and “an old commandment,” but in the very next verse seemingly counters his own words by calling this command “a new commandment.” One might read these passages with great confusion! Was John speaking some sort of doubletalk? No, quite the contrary, as we show in this broadcast in our continuing study through John’s first epistle.
Radio broadcast for November 17, 2019
As people called of God, we ought to walk in the paths which Christ walked, in holiness and righteousness. Unfortunately, this is often hindered by the sinful nature we all inherited from Adam. We sin, sometimes greatly. But praise God, we have a righteous Advocate with God the Father, our propitiation, Christ Jesus.
Radio broadcast for November 10, 2019
God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Therefore, to walk with God, we must walk in the light! Join us for this continuation of our series through the book of 1 John.
Radio broadcast for November 3, 2019
Beginning a new series through the first Epistle of John, we consider the amazing truth that God the Son was made flesh, and dwelt among us. Through the knowledge of this, we have fellowship with one another in the church, and truly this fellowship is even with God Himself.
Radio broadcast for October 27, 2019
The New Testament contains many examples of what is known as a Doxology, which is a short formula of praise. In this broadcast, we considered several of these statement and the amazing truths contained therein.
Radio broadcast for October 20, 2019
God’s saving grace really is amazing. All people are conceived in sin and shapen in iniquity. God, in His mercy, elects to rescue sinners from this condition by His grace. Believers love this truth as it is central to the gospel message. Consequently, it ought to be our expectation that people with terrible pasts go from living in full rebellion to God to desiring Christ.
When this occurs, there are two general reactions from believers: We can receive them joyfully, or we can respond with suspicion and scorn. In today’s broadcast, we consider both reactions to God’s grace.
Radio broadcast for October 13, 2019
Part 2 of a recent message on Isaiah 53, a graphic depiction of the Christ suffering for the redemption of the people of God.
Radio broadcast for October 6, 2019