The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Our previous broadcast featured a message from Pastor Winslett on the personhood of the Holy Spirit. In today’s broadcast, we revisit the biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, focusing on His ministry to us in our daily lives.

Radio broadcast for February 10, 2019

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The Holy Spirit

The Bible presents the eternal Godhead as a Trinity. That is, God is a Tri-Unity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. To paraphrase 1 John 5:7, there are three, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and these Three are One. In today’s broadcast, we share a recent message by Pastor Winslett, on the subject of the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. His focus, in specific, was the Personhood of the Holy Spirit.

Radio broadcast for February 3, 2019

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Speaking from Article 7 in our Statement of Faith, Pastor Winslett speaks about the Biblical concept of Conversion and how we use the word in our theology.

Radio broadcast for January 27, 2019

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Final Exhortations

Concluding our study of the book of James, we come to James 5:13-20, and the Apostle’s closing remarks to his audience. As the tongue, our speech, is a common theme in his epistle, James exhorts to a godly use of the tongue: praise, confession, and prayer.

Radio broadcast for January 20, 2019

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How is a Disciple to endure persecution or unfair criticism? James’ exhortation and encouragement to those in such a predicament can be summed up in a word: Patience! While many of us think of the concept of patience as having it’s setting in annoyance or inconvenience, it’s Biblical usage is often centered in the context of sufferings. James instructs us to be patient, as we await the return of our Lord Jesus, who even judge our persecutors!

Radio broadcast for January 13, 2019

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Howl Now, Rich Men!

In James chapter 5, the Apostle wrote, “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.” To what specific rich men does James write this terrifying proclamation? What is the backstory behind this language? Join us for this edition of Words of Grace, in which we study through the early portions of James chapter 5.

Radio broadcast January 6, 2019

Happy New Year!

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None of us know the future. And yet, sometimes men will brag about their future exploits with such certainty as if they were already accomplished. Truly, the tongue, though small, boasts of many great things. In this episode of Words of Grace, we consider James’ exhortation against presumptuous boasting, from two perspectives; 1) We know not what a day will bring, and 2) Even in our speech, we should bow the knee to God’s sovereignty.

Happy New Year!

Radio broadcast for December 30, 2018

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Grace: Our Solution

We’ve really considered some heavy hitting lessons from the book of James in recent weeks. Toes are bruised. Consciences are bruised. Amidst all the rebukes of the Apostle James we’ve read (and will read), a bright ray of hope appears in James chapter 4: Our solution, God’s grace. Our source of strength, enabling us to mortify temptations, the tongue, judgmentalism, etc., is the unlimited grace of God.

Radio broadcast for Decemner 23, 2018

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Ask Not, Have Not

The Apostle James wrote that we have not because we ask not. This means there are blessings we could have, if we’d only ask. Worse, he also remarked that many times we aren’t given what we pray for because our desires are motivated by carnal lusts! Oh, that we would know how to maturely pray. Tune in to this edition of Words of Grace from James chapter 4.

Radio broadcast for December 16, 2018.

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Warring Among You

Coming to James chapter 4, we begin studying the unfortunate occurrence of “wars” between members of a church body. How do these sad displays of human carnality generally present themselves? By harmful words. Join us for this broadcast from James chapter 4.

Radio broadcast for December 9, 2018.

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