Respect of Persons

One of the most relevant, pertinent, and even convicting lessons to the church is found in James chapter 2. In this passage, the Apostle James very pointedly addresses what he calls being a “respecter of persons,” which is to say showing partiality on others in our assemblies (churches based on carnal reasons.

Radio broadcast for November 4, 2018.

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Pure Religion

Most people in our country claim to be religious. At the same time, quite a number of people in today’s time claim to be believers but not religious. We’re sure you’ve heard the cliche’, that Christianity is “about a relationship, not a religion.” In today’s broadcast, we continue our study of the Book of James, coming to James’ assertions about what true religion actually is, and why it’s a great thing!

Radio broadcast for October 28, 2018.

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The Importance of Context!

The Bible is a book to be taken in context! That is to say, when God gave each portion of scripture, He did so with an intended meaning. As a consequence, a single passage cannot say one thing to one person, and something contradictory to another person. In this broadcast, we learn about “rightly dividing” the scriptures before considering three of the most misused passages today as examples.

Radio broadcast for September 16, 2018

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Examples of Expansion

Lately, we’ve been discussing the expansion of God’s kingdom here in the world while considering the petition from The Model Prayer, “thy kingdom come.” This brings us to an interesting study: When the church grew in the Book of Acts, what happened directly prior to and during the seasons of growth? In this message, pastor Ben Winslett considers these “examples of expansion” as food for thought for us today.

Radio broadcast for September 9, 2018.

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