Thy Kingdom Come

Tying in thoughts from our current sermon series, Pastor Winslett speaks on the petition, “Thy kingdom come,” as found in the Model Prayer. In short, every disciple should be concerned with the spiritual condition of the church in general, which begins with health of the local church.

Radio broadcast for August 26, 2018

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When God’s Name is Hallowed

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, one of the statements He instructed them to say was “hallowed be Thy name.” While the utterance of this phrase is an act of worship and praise, it is also a petition that God’s name would be sanctified (regarded as Holy) in the Earth. This presents an interesting question to consider: What does it look like when God’s name is hallowed? Listen to learn more.

Radio broadcast for August 19, 2018

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The Importance of Prayer

Prayer is absolutely crucial for the disciple of Christ. In fact, we are taught in scripture “always to pray, and never to faint.” And, to “pray without ceasing.”  Because God is the Sovereign King of kings and Lord of lords, and because He loves us, we trust Him to answer our prayers according to His will. Fervent prayer impacts the world around us!

Radio broadcast for August 12, 2018

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As Many As Our Lord Shall Call

In Acts chapter 2, Peter said “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

In this program, we first examine the context of Peter’s statement before considering this blessed exhortation and the connected promise itself.

Radio broadcast for August 5, 2018

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God’s Creative Force

When God created the Universe, he required no engineers, construction crews, or tools; He merely spoke it into existence. Likewise, when Jesus raised Lazarus or Jairus’ daughter from the dead, He merely spoke and they returned to life. These examples clearly depict the means of power God employs when He acts in our world: His Voice. That is to say, Divine fiat or decree.

Join Pastor Winslett for this study of God’s creative force and how it relates to our personal salvation.

Radio broadcast for July 29, 2018

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How Does God Reward Us?

The writer of Hebrews wrote that God is a “rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). This language should prompt us to ponder the blessings of God, specifically what God’s rewards actually look like. Initially, one might expect wealth or an easy life as a divine reward. However, from the context, we learn that God’s rewards look quite different than many of the temporal blessings people often covet. Join us for this episode of Words of Grace to learn more!

Radio broadcast for July 22, 2018.

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Take Up Your Cross!

In our last broadcast, we considered biblical topics which were both monergistic (God only) and synergistic (God plus man). In this episode of Words of Grace, we continue our study of things synergistic, namely, taking up our crosses to follow Christ. To a first century person in the Roman Empire, the cross was an unforgettable symbol of shame and death. How does this translate into the Christian walk? Listen to learn more.

Radio broadcast for July 15, 2018

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Monergism and Synergism

Monergism or synergism? To many believers, those words may “sound like Greek.” But these rarely used terms are simply defined and understood. Monergism refers to something that is the work of one alone (mono). Synergism is the work of more than one together.

Is our salvation monergistic or synergistic? What about discipleship or mortification? In this broadcast, Pastor Winslett speaks to biblical concepts which are monergistic and also synergistic.

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Our Righteousness

Am I good enough? Have I done enough? Am I worth anything? These are haunting questions many people struggle with each day. Join us for this broadcast in which we study our identity in Jesus Christ, through His merciful grace.

Radio broadcast for July 1, 2018.

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Calling and Election

To make your calling and election sure, as Peter exhorted, must first mean that you are called and elected. Pastor Winslett recently expounded on these two doctrines, election and the effectual call, in a part of his series through 2 Peter. We share a portion of this on today’s broadcast.

Radio broadcast for June 24, 2018

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