A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 1

To believers in Sovereign Grace, John chapter 6 is a beloved passage. From it, we learn truths about Jesus as our source of spiritual sustenance as the Bread of Life, as well as principles concerning God’s sovereignty in salvation. Over the next two broadcasts, we’ll share a recent message from Flint River on this teaching.

Radio broadcast for October 31, 2021 Continue reading “A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 1”

The Last Words of David

Concluding our series on the life of King David, we consider a passage of scripture which refers to itself as his last words. Though the meaning of that label is debated, its message is not. Despite having a life of ups and downs, triumphs and failures, God had made an everlasting covenant with David and that was all his salvation and all his hope.

Radio broadcast for October 17, 2021. Continue reading “The Last Words of David”


An interesting exchange of words took place between the Lord Jesus and a character know as the rich young ruler, as recorded in the gospel accounts. The young man mistakenly believed in salvation by good works, and Jesus absolutely tears down that false premise in a very powerful way. How then are sinners saved? Well, with men this is impossible. But not with God; for with God, all things are possible. Continue reading “Impossible”

Face Set Like A Flint

“For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” Isaiah 50:7

On Palm Sunday 2020, we considered the mindset of Christ as He went into Jerusalem, knowing all He would suffer for the sins of His people. And yet He went, He drank of the bitter cup, He finished the work. Continue reading “Face Set Like A Flint”