Returning to Titus chapter 3, we consider an exhortation that we find three times, in three different forms, an exhortation for one to do “good works.” Continue reading “Ready and Willing”
The Washing of Regeneration
Join us for this message from Titus chapter 3, on the subject of the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Continue reading “The Washing of Regeneration”
What Brings Salvation? | Titus 2:11-15
What was Paul’s meaning when he wrote to Titus that the “grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men”? Ben Winslett considers this passage in today’s message. Continue reading “What Brings Salvation? | Titus 2:11-15”
In Hope of Eternal Life | Introduction to Titus
Beginning a new study through the book of Titus, we consider the first four verses of this short epistle, statements loaded with God’s sovereignty in salvation!
Message 1 in our series through Paul’s epistle to Titus. Continue reading “In Hope of Eternal Life | Introduction to Titus”
Our Substitute
The doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is crucial to understanding the gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ, on the cross, stood in our place, and was judged as if He lived our sinful lives. Thus, He gave us His righteousness. Continue reading “Our Substitute”
Observations from Jacob and Esau
Two very notable characters in the bible are the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah named Jacob and Esau. In this episode of Words of Grace, pastor Winslett shares thoughts about depravity, grace, and salvation from the lives of these two men.
Radio broadcast for January 31, 2021 Continue reading “Observations from Jacob and Esau”