Particular Redemption, Sovereign Grace 5

Welcome to today’s episode of Words of Grace! We’re continuing our enlightening series on Sovereign Grace with message number five, “Particular Redemption.” Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored the concept of God’s sovereignty in salvation, laying a strong foundation in messages about why to believe in Sovereign Grace, the necessity of grace due to total depravity, and the Father’s sovereign choice in salvation. Today, we’re diving into the heart of the gospel, focusing on Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, that Jesus died specifically for those chosen by God before the foundation of the world, a doctrine steeped in scripture and affirmed by the historic Baptists and Primitive Baptists today!

Radio broadcast for July 21, 2024. Continue reading “Particular Redemption, Sovereign Grace 5”

Total Depravity | Sovereign Grace Series, Episode 2

In the latest episode of Words of Grace, Ben Winslett delves deeper into the doctrine of Sovereign Grace with a focus on Total Depravity. We explore key biblical passages that reveal humanity’s inherent sinfulness and our utter dependence on God’s sovereign will for salvation. By examining scriptures from John, Romans, and Ephesians, we uncover the profound truth that without God’s intervention, no one can come to Christ. Join us as we unpack these foundational doctrines and understand how they shape our view of salvation and the world around us.

Radio broadcast for June 31, 2024.

Continue reading “Total Depravity | Sovereign Grace Series, Episode 2”

Why Should I Believe in Sovereign Grace?

Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, as we delve into the profound question: “Why should I believe in Sovereign Grace?” In this episode, Ben Winslett explores a biblical doctrine often overlooked in American evangelicalism — Sovereign Grace.

Many Christians have never encountered this doctrine in sermons or teachings, yet it’s deeply rooted in Scripture. We invite you to examine passages like Ephesians 1 and others that reveal God’s Sovereign Grace in salvation. Discover why understanding this doctrine is crucial for every believer’s spiritual journey. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion that challenges and encourages us to embrace God’s sovereign plan in our lives.

Radio broadcast for June 23, 2024. Continue reading “Why Should I Believe in Sovereign Grace?”

We Believe in Election

If you’ve been with us in recent weeks on Words of Grace, you’ll recall that we are undertaking a survey of the Articles of Faith as we call it, the standard statement of faith of modern Primitive Baptist churches but also Baptist churches of history in the United States. If you’re ever curious what that P in PB means, the adjective “primitive” was added to designate Baptists who held to the older ways of Baptists, the older doctrines and practices of Baptists, prior to modern times. Because of that sometimes we’re referred to as “old school” Baptists, and even the pejorative “hardshell” is used, to denote unwillingness to change.

Today’s focus has to do with the great doctrine of Election. Admittedly, this concept is one that is considered controversial by a great many Christians at present. People get so angry at this teaching that they sometimes resort to hurling insults at proponents of it. That’s sad, it really is. What’s even more sad is that something so commonly referred to in scripture would be so controversial among those who name the name of Christ! Join us for this study on such a fundamental subject to the gospel: Election.

Radio broadcast for April 30, 2023 Continue reading “We Believe in Election”

It Is Finished

Concluding our series on “sovereign grace statements” from John’s gospel, we study one of the grandest of them all, when our Lord Jesus proclaimed “It Is Finished” before giving His life on the cross.

Radio broadcast for January 1, 2023.

By the way! As of the first Sunday in 2023, Words of Grace turns 15 years old! Thanks for your continued support of this ministry. Continue reading “It Is Finished”

They That Were Born Of God

John chapter 1 contains a statement many believers use to teach a concept known as “decisional regeneration.” Specifically, the phrase that those who received Jesus as the Messiah were given power to become the sons of God. However, in the sentence following this statement, John insists that those who received Him did so because they were born, not of blood, their will, or any other human’s will, but of God. How do we reconcile these two statement? Does the reception of Christ cause the new birth, Or rather, does the new birth enable the reception of Christ? Join us for this message in our series on Sovereign Grace statements from John’s gospel for the answer to this question.

Radio broadcast for December 18, 2022. Continue reading “They That Were Born Of God”

Passing from Death unto Life

Continuing our series on Sovereign Grace Statements from the Gospel of John, pastor Winslett considers a most interesting statement by our Lord Jesus in John chapter 5, about the ability to believe being the result of passing from death in sin to life in Christ. Simply put, the new birth is a spiritual resurrection which causes us to know God, sparking faith within.

Radio broadcast for December 4, 2022 Continue reading “Passing from Death unto Life”

Born from Above

One of the most clear and instructive passages concerning the new birth is found in a conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and a man named Nicodemus in John chapter 3. In this teaching of Christ, we learn that without the new birth, also called quickening or regeneration, a person is unable to see the Kingdom of God. Also, it is revealed and that God is sovereign in this vital phase of salvation. Join us for this study in our continuing series on Sovereign Grace statements from John’s gospel.

Radio broadcast for November 27,  2022.

Continue reading “Born from Above”

The Shepherd and His Sheep

John chapter 10 contains some of the most comforting and doctrinally instructive passages in the New Testament. Jesus gives His sheep life. They hear His voice and follow Him. And, they’ll never perish because they’re secure in His Father’s hand. In today’s message, we consider this passage in our continuing series on statements of Sovereign Grace, from John’s Gospel.

Radio broadcast for November 13, 2022. Continue reading “The Shepherd and His Sheep”