How Do We See God?

While no man has seen God at any time, Scripture reveals many ways His presence is made known to us. From visions and creation to the incarnation of Christ and acts of love, God is visible through His works and His Spirit dwelling in His children. In today’s episode of Words of  Grace, we share a recent sermon from 1 John 4:12-14, in which Ben Winslett unpacks how the invisible God is manifested in providence, love, His Son, and the lives of believers.

Radio broadcast for December 8, 2024. Continue reading “How Do We See God?”

Let us Love…

In today’s episode of Words of Grace, we explore the command to love one  in 1 John 4:7-11. Reflecting on the transformative nature of divine love, Ben Winslett explains how true, Christlike love is a product of God’s grace imparted to us at salvation. Contrasting spiritual love with worldly affections, Ben emphasizes its sacrificial, forgiving, and selfless qualities, exemplified by Jesus Christ. With rich scriptural insights, he reminds listeners that God’s love, demonstrated through Christ’s sacrifice, obligates us to love others in the same heartfelt manner.

Radio broadcast for December 1, 2024. Continue reading “Let us Love…”

Trying the Spirits

What influences shape your thoughts and life? In today’s episode of Words of Grace, Ben Winslett explores 1 John 4:1-6, emphasizing the need to discern spiritual influences and reject those that are false. Drawing from Scripture, Ben addresses how the presence of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to overcome false doctrines, worldly philosophies, and doubt. Learn how to try the spirits, identify truth, and guard your heart against worldly influences. This sermon will encourage you to anchor your faith in Christ and stay vigilant against the deceptive voices of the world.

Radio broadcast for November 24, 2024 Continue reading “Trying the Spirits”

The Christian Response to Persecution

In The Christian Response to Persecution, Ben Winslett explores how believers are called to handle adversity for their faith. Reflecting on John 15, Ben discusses the world’s rejection of Christ and, therefore, of those who follow Him. He shares Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 about rejoicing in persecution, then outlines four essential principles for handling trials: forgiving others, seeking justice in appropriate ways, responding with boldness, and ultimately striving to glorify God in every circumstance. Tune in to this episode of Words of Grace for encouragement and guidance on standing firm in faith amid adversity!

Radio program for November 10, 2024. Continue reading “The Christian Response to Persecution”

The Crucial Importance of Loving One Another

This past week, our church facility suffered from some rather extreme vandalism within our Fellowship Hall, a restroom, and our pastor’s office. While shocking and tragic, it seems that the Lord actually prepared us for this trial through His word. How so? Just three services ago, in his current series through 1 John, Ben Winslett spoke to the dangers of anger and hate, the proper response to persecution, and the importance of love! We share a portion of that message with you today on Words of Grace and hope you enjoy it.

Radio broadcast for November 3, 2024. Continue reading “The Crucial Importance of Loving One Another”

In Christ, from Timothy

Today, we conclude our series on the In Christ statements of the New Testament, examining Paul’s letters to Timothy. Focusing primarily on 2 Timothy, we explore how Paul describes grace, truth, and strength found in Christ. We consider God’s eternal promise of life given in Christ, the call to stand strong in grace, and the importance of Scripture in making us wise unto salvation. Whether new to this series or following along from the start, you’ll find rich reflections on God’s purpose and grace given before the world began, the strength needed for godly living amidst trials, and faith that holds steadfast through all things. Listen now to deepen your understanding of life in Christ as conveyed in Paul’s message to Timothy.

Radio broadcast for October 27, 2024. Continue reading “In Christ, from Timothy”

In Christ, from Thessalonians

In this broadcast titled “In Christ from Thessalonians,” we explore the profound connection believers have with Christ, focusing on key “In Christ” statements found in 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Join us as we discuss our union with Christ, the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and the call to live for the glory of Christ. We consider the context of Paul’s letters to a largely Gentile church undergoing persecution, his teachings on the return of Christ, and how the church should live in anticipation of His coming. This is a message of comfort and hope, reminding us to labor faithfully while we wait for His return.

Radio broadcast for October 20, 2024. Continue reading “In Christ, from Thessalonians”

In Christ, from Colossians

Join us today on Words of Grace as we continue our study of the “In Christ” statements found throughout the New Testament, focusing on Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In this message, we explore key passages that reveal our identity in Christ, emphasizing the vital and secure relationship believers have with Him. We’ll also touch on Paul’s teachings about faith in Christ and discuss how we are called to live and walk in Him. From understanding the significance of our new birth to recognizing the completeness we have in Christ, this message offers rich insights into the Christian walk.

Radio broadcast for October 13, 2024.

Continue reading “In Christ, from Colossians”

In Christ, from Philippians

Join us on today’s Words of Grace broadcast, “In Christ, from Philippians,” as we explore the profound “in Christ” statements in the book of Philippians. We’ll uncover key teachings on joy, peace, humility, and living by faith through Christ’s strength. These practical truths are sure to inspire and encourage your walk with God!

Radio broadcast for October 6, 2024. Continue reading “In Christ, from Philippians”