Thoughts on Repentance

Repentance is a fundamental theological concept in scripture. As Christians, we ought to have a good, working knowledge of this doctrine. In this episode of Words of Grace, Ben Winslett speaks to the origins and outworkings of repentance in a sinner’s life.

Radio broadcast for September 15, 2019

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If The Foundations Be Destroyed

David asked in Psalm 11, “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Sometimes things in life absolutely blindside you, threatening to erode even the most foundational parts of our lives. David reflects on this in Psalm 11, and grants us the hope that no matter the injustice or assault in this world, despite how troubling some situations are, God is yet on His throne and make ultimately right every wrong.

Radio broadcast for September 8, 2019

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The Invitation of the Gospel

In today’s edition of Words of Grace, we consider the gospel of Christ. What better of a subject for one to consider! The gospel is first a declaration of the death, burial, and resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ for the sins of His people. But the gospel also comes with a command to those who believe it: Repent and be baptized! Moreover, the gospel includes the invitation to the heavy laden to come to Christ, their Saviour, to find rest.

Radio broadcast for September 1, 2019

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The Beauty of Grace

When the full scope of human depravity and the pervasion of sinfulness among mankind is realized, the grace of God suddenly becomes a beautiful thing! In this program, we consider the grace of God, the free and unmerited favor, that brings salvation to sinners.

Radio broadcast for August 25, 2019

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Letting Things Slip

In the wake of a couple of “celebrity Christians” recently falling away from the faith, the subject of falling away has been a part of many conversations within American Christianity. It’s something we have to respond to, for such is an ever present reality. So how should we respond? Join Ben Winslett for his thoughts in today’s edition of Words of Grace.

Radio broadcast for August 18, 2019

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Respectful Dealings

In John 13, Jesus said all would know we are His disciples, not because of our orthodoxy, but because we love one another. This certainly doesn’t downplay sound teachings, because the church is by definition the pillar and ground of the truth. But we are to love one another. This love is to foster an atmosphere of respect and courtesy between believers.

Radio broadcast for August 11, 2019

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Exalted Unto Glory, Part 1

The sole purpose of existence is to bring God glory. As a consequence of this, as well as the doctrine of God’s sovereignty, God uses unlikely means to glorify Himself. He puts an end to the wisdom of men, and gives His strength during our weakness. Learn more in today’s broadcast.

Radio broadcast for July 29, 2019

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