The Role of God the Father in Salvation

Beginning a new focus of study on Words of Grace, we consider the role of God the Father in our salvation. Put briefly, God the Father often represents Divine prerogative. That is, when God has ordained something in the Bible, it is the Father that this ordination is attributed to and salvation is no exception. Join us for message 1 in our series on the roles of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in salvation.

Radio broadcast for August 28, 2022. Continue reading “The Role of God the Father in Salvation”

Reconciled On the Cross

To reconcile means to “to resolve or settle a difference.” Through sin, humans are enemies and alienated from God’s presence and blessings and without reconciliation, we would have no hope in standing before God after death, certain judgment awaiting. But praise God, He sent His Son into the world to die for our sins, saving us from His wrath.

Message 6 in our series through Colossians, from October 2021. Continue reading “Reconciled On the Cross”

Two Types of People

In this broadcast, Ben Winslett presents a stunning but biblical fact: There are but two types of people living in the world today, those regenerated and those yet unregenerate. Join us as we explore the cause of regeneration, the nature of both types of people, and the important implications from such in reality.

Radio broadcast for April 24, 2022 Continue reading “Two Types of People”

If Risen…then Seek!

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

Risen with Christ. What a thought! Certainly our minds go to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ and our victory over death through His triumph. Yet at the same time, as God quickens sinners, they are vitally risen with Christ. Over the next two programs, we’ll consider Paul’s admonition to the church at Colosse to seek those things which are above, being risen with Christ.

Radio broadcast for December 26, 2021
Continue reading “If Risen…then Seek!”